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省府鑒於稻田蟲害,嚴重影響收穫,而本省蟲害中,以螟蟲爲害最大。爲了保護農作物,爭取生産勝利,打破農民靠天吃飯的思想。特編就‘螟蟲防治法’分發各地,號召各級政府、農會,發動農民,組織農民,大力防治,以保證收割。茲將‘螟蟲紡治法’摘要介紹如下: 一、螟蟲土名叫‘小白蚊’、‘鑽心蟲’或‘啃心蟲’,一生要經過卵、幼蟲、蛹、蛾四個不同時期,由蛾又復產卵,有一年發生一次的,叫二化螟,有一年發生三次的叫三化螟。二、捕除方法: (一)捕除螟蛾:螟蛾產卵前,即設法捕殺,防患未然,其法有二: 甲、用捕蟲綱,就秧田或本田(大田)捕捉弄死。須在每天清晨或傍晚捕捉。若捕到蜻蜓或細腰蜂等益蟲,故之飛去,捕吃害蟲。 In view of the rice field pests in the provincial government, seriously affecting the harvest, and the province’s pests, the largest damage to stem borers. In order to protect crops and win victories, we must break the peasants’ ideas of eating by the sky. Special issue on the ’stem borer prevention and treatment’ distribution throughout the country, called on governments at all levels, peasant associations, mobilize farmers, organize peasants, vigorous prevention and control in order to ensure reaping. The “stem borers spinning method” summary is described as follows: First, borers soil called ’white mosquito’, ’boring worm’ or ’nibbling worms’, life to go through eggs, larvae, pupae, moth four different periods, By the moth and oviposit, occur once a year, called Chilo suppressalis, there are three times a year called the yellow rice borer. Second, the method of removal: (A) capture the moth: the moth moth spawning before trying to kill, take preventive measures, the law there are two: A, with the catcherworm, on the seedling or Honda (Daejeon) capture killed. Must be caught every morning or early evening. If you catch dragonfly or spider bees and other beneficial insects, it flew to catch pests.
1 概况陆浑灌区总干渠从陆浑水库引水,总长44.4km,设计最大引水流量77m~3/s,共有填方坝55座,总长7410km,最大坝高29m,最大坝长740m。总干渠建于1974年,填方坝施工质量差,坝
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1. 国务院总理朱镕基宣 布南水北调工程开工令2. 国务院副总理温家宝 作重要讲话3. 水利部部长汪恕诚在 主会场主席台就座4. 北京人民大会堂主会 场典礼现场 1. Premier Zh
1 概述五六十年代兴建的中小型水利工程,其放水闸门多采用滚桶及转盘闸门控制,在具体使用中因其存在启闭误差大、感性启闭、维修困难等缺点,现在已经逐渐改用竖井启闭塔平面
4、2002年南四湖地区发生百年不遇旱灾,湖区几近干 涸,为拯救南四湖生态,我委经过反复研究讨论,并 会同江苏、山东两省提出了南四湖应急生态补水方 案,经国家防总批准后,于1