Distribution of Carboxylic Acids in Sudanese Dar Crude Oil: Characterized by Negative-Ion Electrospr

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asqbt
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The Dar crude oil produced in Sudan was distilled into several fractions. The heteroatom class species in crude and its fractions were characterized by the negative-ion ESI FT-ICR MS. The major emphasis was put upon the study on the O2 class species (petroleum carboxylic acids). The test results revealed that aliphatic acids and monocyclic naphthenic acids accounted for a large proportion in petroleum carboxylic acids of the Dar crude. The relative abundance of aliphatic acids and monocyclic naphthenic acids decreased with an increasing boiling point of fractions. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of bicyclic and tricyclic naphthenic acids increased at first and then decreased, whereas the relative abundance of petroleum carboxylic acids with higher double-bond equivalence (DBE) values increased. The high abundance of aliphatic acids in the Dar crude and its fractions covered the carbon numbers in a range of 16 to 18 which had important geochemical signifi- cance. The O2 class species were distributed in a broad range of DBE values and carbon numbers with increasing boiling points of fractions. The Dar crude oil produced in Sudan was distilled into several fractions. The heteroatom class species in crude and its fractions were characterized by the negative-ion ESI FT-ICR MS. The major emphasis was put upon the study on the O2 class species (petroleum carboxylic acids). The test results revealed that aliphatic acids and monocyclic naphthenic acids accounted for a large proportion in petroleum carboxylic acids of the Dar crude. The relative abundance of aliphatic acids and monocyclic naphthenic acids decreased with an increasing boiling point of fractions. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of bicyclic and tricyclic naphthenic acids increased at first and then decreased, whereas the relative abundance of petroleum carboxylic acids with higher double-bond equivalence (DBE) values ​​increased. The high abundance of aliphatic acids in the Dar crude and its fractions covered the carbon numbers in a range of 16 to 18 which had important geochemical signifi- cance. The O2 class species were distributed in a broad range of DBE values ​​and carbon numbers with increasing boiling points of fractions.
可溶性白介素-2受体是细胞膜白介素-2受体的游离形式,存在于正常人血清和其他体液中,在某些病理情况下可不同程度地升高。它是 T 淋巴细胞活化的重要产物和标志,与细胞免疫功
患者许某,女,29岁。1990年7月开始患肝炎,经治疗PT 持续不降,被动在100单位左右。1991年1月21日因纳差、乏力、尿黄、齿龈出血20余天入院。诊断为慢性活动性肝炎。除保肝治
我科1995年12月至1997年12月应用无水乙醇治疗阴道囊肿20例,效果满意,现介绍如下。临床资料1.一般资料 20例患者均为门诊病人,年龄24~49岁,平均37岁,均为已婚女性,经产妇14例,未产妇6例,单发18例,多发2例。囊肿最大7cm×
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