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ISO是国际标准化组织(International Organization forStandardization)的缩写。目前,世界上主要工业国家都是ISO的成员,采用国际标准是大势所趋。我国也已参加了这一国际组织。近年来,国务院各部门在制订国家标准或部颁标准时,都积极采用国际标准,或向国际标准靠拢。这样做,有利于引进外国科学技术和进出口商品,有利于开展国际科学技术交流,好处很多。ISO对金属切削加工中常用的名词、术语及代表符号也作了规定,其主要文件有ISO 3002/1-1977等。1979年由华南工学院和甘肃工业大学主编、经上海科学技术出版社出版的高等学校试用教材《金属切削原理及刀具设计》一书,本着“认真研究,积极采用”的精神,采用了ISO所规定的名词、术语和代表符号。另外,还有一些ISO尚未明确规定的名词、术语和代表符号,则参照沿用习惯,在教材中酌情予以规定。为了推广国际标准,我们请乔中复同志摘录了这本教材里所采用的ISO已有规定的名词、术语和代表符号,并绘制了插图,以供广大从事金属切削加工的工人和技术人员学习参考。值得提出的是,ISO的名词、术语可以有不同的译法,希望读者研究讨论,提出意见。 ISO is the International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization) acronym. At present, all the major industrialized countries in the world are members of the ISO. Adopting international standards is the trend of the times. My country has also participated in this international organization. In recent years, all departments under the State Council have actively adopted international standards or moved closer to international standards when formulating national standards or ministerial standards. In doing so, it is conducive to introducing foreign science and technology and importing and exporting goods, and is conducive to carrying out international exchanges in science and technology with many advantages. ISO commonly used metal cutting machining terms, terms and symbols are also provided, the main documents are ISO 3002 / 1-1977 and so on. In 1979 by the South China Institute of Technology and Gansu University of Technology editor, the Shanghai Science and Technology Press published higher education trial teaching materials “metal cutting principle and tool design,” a book, “serious study, and actively adopt” the spirit of the ISO Provisions of nouns, terms and symbols. In addition, there are some not yet clearly defined by the ISO nouns, terminology and symbols, with reference to customary use, in teaching materials as appropriate. In order to promote international standards, we asked Comrade Joe Chung to excerpt the terms, notation and conventions used in this textbook and to draw illustrations for the vast number of workers and technicians engaged in metal cutting. reference. It is worth mentioning that, ISO terms, terminology can have different translations, I hope readers to discuss and make comments.
众所周知,锻件少氧化加热是适应少无切削加工的需要,满足精锻工艺要求的一种先进加热方法,其优越性如下: 1)减少金属的烧损量:在氧化性火焰中加热必产生氧化皮,一般锻件毛坯