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培养学生自改作文的能力需要有一个训练过程。可采取“教师批改、学生互改、自改相结合”的方式。具体做法如下:一、师生共同批改1.将全班学生按座位分成若干小组,前后四人为一小组。教师精批细改每一小组中一名学生的作文,认真写好眉批、总批,批语中肯定优点,指出不足,提出具体的修改意见,使这些学生在老师的具体指导下通过反复修改,真正领会写作方法。2.向全班学生讲明老师的批改思路、方法。3.任命批改过作文的同学任评改组小组长。 There is a need for a training process to train students’ ability to make self-reforms. Can take “teacher marking, students mutual change, self-improvement combination ” approach. The specific measures are as follows: 1. Teachers and students jointly revise 1. Divide the whole class of students into seats according to their seats. The teacher meticulously revised the composition of one student in each group, carefully wrote the eyebrows and approvals, approved the batch, affirmed the advantages in the comments, pointed out the inadequacies, and put forward specific amendment opinions so that these students could be modified repeatedly under the guidance of the teacher. Really understand the writing method. 2. Explain the teacher’s ideas and methods for the entire class. 3. Appointment of students who have modified the essay to appoint a reorganization team leader.
李则民总经理应《人民日报》之邀出席出版仪式暨主旋律研讨会,在会上作为企业界代表作经验介绍,并在《主旋律宣言》上签名 General Manager Li Zemin, at the invitation o
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
从3月26日召开的ISO9001:2000质量体系认证末次会议上获悉,公司ISO9001标准质量体系顺利通过现场核审,这标志着公司的质量管理水平又上了一个新的台阶。 From the March 26
本文介绍了客车悬吊件磁粉探伤机的结构特产、技术参数及其工作原理。 This paper introduces the structural specialty, technical parameters and working principle of
数学竞赛试题中的方程(组),因其结构形式的独特性,决定了其解法的非一般性.本文从近年各地竞赛试题中精选8个方程(组),分析其特点与解法,供读者学习参考. The equations (gr