
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:df0225
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Much work has been done on the laser emission from ZnSe under electron beam pumping. In this paper, the stimulated emission from ZnSe epilayer has been investigated under a nitrogen laser excitation. The ZnSe epilayers were grown by vapor phase epitaxy on (100) GaAs substrates. Optically pumped lasers were fabricated from the ZnSe epilayers by cleaving the ZnSe/GaAs along the (100) cleavage planes into rectangles with widths 100-600μm, and found to operate in the blue portion of the visible spectrum at 77K. The threshold of laser emission was determined to be about 1MW/cm2 from the dependence of the total light output on excitation intensity. The exciton-exciton inelastic collision process is the dominant laser emission mechanism in the ZnSe laser at 77K. Much work has been done on the laser emission from ZnSe under electron beam pumping. In this paper, the stimulated emission from ZnSe epilayer has been investigated under a nitrogen laser excitation. The ZnSe epilayers were grown by vapor phase epitaxy on (100) GaAs substrates . Optically pumped lasers were fabricated from the ZnSe epilayers by cleaving the ZnSe / GaAs along the (100) cleavage planes into rectangles with widths 100-600 μm, and found to operate in the blue portion of the visible spectrum at 77K. The threshold of laser The exciton-exciton inelastic collision process is the dominant laser emission mechanism in the ZnSe laser at 77K.
确定要采访茅善玉,心里有点激动。因为从小在上海长大,不仅我自己对沪剧的调子非常熟悉,而且我的家人也都很喜欢。我妈妈就非常喜欢丁是娥的唱腔,以前常常听收音机里的广播,后来则去看茅善玉等后起之秀的演出,现在闲暇之时还会跟着碟片哼唱紫竹调《燕燕做媒》。  茅善玉的名字似乎必然是和“沪剧”联系在一起的,因此也就必然和上海联系在一起,上海人对她大概都有一份地域上的亲切感。然而我和茅善玉的见面最终却是在北京实
本文叙述了 J_(19—1)高功率放大器冷却系统设计,着重叙述了输出功率为100瓦的 B_(250)型行波管冷却系统设计与实验。 This paper describes the design of the J_ (19-1) h
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