抱团取暖 能否抵御严寒

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08年底各项经济数据却悲观依旧。谁也无法预料经济何时能走出寒冬。也正因为此,企业结盟御寒、抱团取暖才应运而生。同时,市场各方对于企业抱团取暖的合作形式还是持欢迎态度的。尽管其效果短期内难以反映出来,但可以肯定的是,在目前经济环境下,企业抱团利大于弊。 At the end of 2008, the economic data are still pessimistic. No one can predict when the economy can emerge from winter. Precisely because of this, business alliance cold, Baotuan heating only came into being. At the same time, all parties in the market are welcome to cooperate in the form of cooperation for heating enterprises. Although the effect is hard to be reflected in the short term, what is certain is that in the current economic environment, enterprises are more helpful than teamwork.
作为一个有着近四十多部影视作品的作曲家,在与二十多位导演的合作中,我有收获也有不足。 As a composer with more than forty films and television works, I have gained