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在反霸斗争中,农会要根据人民政府的政策和指示,先进行讨论研究,然后确定斗争对象,向群众讲清楚我们的政策法令,揭发恶霸的罪恶,在群众觉悟的基础上,采用说理诉苦,打垮恶霸的威风,合理的清算斗争果实,绝对禁止肉刑捆打。经验证明,采用这种办法是最好不过的。如我们安康衡口区斗争大恶霸余学元时,群众提出事实向恶霸说理,同时允许恶霸申辩,恶霸不坦白时,群众便拿出人证物证,恶霸没法狡辩,低头认了罪。在那个斗争大会上,群众共申述恶霸恶迹百余宗,清算了他过去贪污敲诈人民的果实约合人民印一千五百余万元,使二百八十八家农民得到了斗争果实。假如施用捆、打、肉刑,恶霸知道他坦白了还要活受罪,硬死也不承认。用说理斗争,不但使广大群众更清楚认识到他们过去所受的苦;同时,连恶霸余学元本人也说:『共产党真对我宽大,我再不敢作恶了』。现在余学元在群众的教育督促下,也上地作活,他老婆也纺线织布,而且很勤劳。但汉阴县斗争恶霸尹丙成时,用绳子捆住,地上垫石子,叫恶霸在上面跪了一上午,会上恶霸不好好坦白,会后叫找保人保住,结果连保人和恶霸都跑了,其他七个小恶霸和爪牙看见不对火也跑了,这样群众的冤没伸,果实也没分下。结果人心动荡,社会秩序不安定。以上事实说明,只有正确的执行人民政府的政策方针,采用说理斗争,反霸才能反的好。 In the struggle against hegemonism, according to the policies and instructions of the people’s government, the peasant association should first conduct discussions and studies, and then determine the targets of the struggle, make clear to the masses our policies and decrees, and expose the evil of bullying. On the basis of mass awareness, , Crush bully and prestige, reasonably liquidate the fruits of the struggle, and absolutely prohibit torture. Experience shows that it is best to adopt this approach. For example, when the people in the Kangbuk Hengkou District were fighting over the bully Yu Xiyuan, when the masses put forward the fact that they tried to justify the bully and allowed the bully to defend themselves and the bully to be honest, the masses took out evidence of the witnesses and they could not quibble and bow their heads to confession. At that struggle conference, the masses declared a total of more than 100 bullying sites and cleared over the past 15 million yuan the fruits of corruption and extortion to the people, leaving 288 peasants to the fruits of the struggle. If the use of bundles, hitting, corporal punishment, bullies know that he confession live but also suffer hardship does not recognize. With reasoning and struggle, not only will the masses of the people know more clearly what they have suffered in the past, but at the same time, even Yu Xueyuan himself said: “The Communist Party really lenient over me and I can not dare to act evil again.” Now, Yu Xueyuan, working under the supervision of the masses, has also worked hard. His wife is also spinning and weaving, and she is very industrious. However, when the sinister Yin Bingcheng in Hanyin County was struggling with a rope, the stones and stones on the ground were called bully kneeling for one morning. The bully was not ready to be honest and the guarantor was called after the meeting. As a result, both the guarantor and the bully ran , And the other seven little bully and minions did not see the fire ran, so that the masses did not injustice, the fruit did not sub-sub. The results of turmoil, social instability. The above facts show that only by correctly implementing the policies and guidelines of the people’s government and adopting the principle of handling disputes and opposing hegemony can we oppose it.
中央关于在农村建立人民公社问题的决议,是适应全国农村形势发展的需要和广大农民群众迫切要求的,同时,也是完全适合于我省实际情况的,我们应该坚决贯彻执行。 The Central
李老汉和王老汉都是文 盲。 他们想要传个字条,就得 靠画画。 一天,李老汉托人捎给王 老汉一张纸条,上画一人左手 捂着屁股,右手伸出三个手 指。带条人看不明白.但王老 汉懂了:“李
[关键词]教学方式,新课改,课堂教学  [中图分类号]G63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457-6241(2008)15-0029-01    “问”是现在课堂教学中常采用的一种教学方式,但“问”的主体应该是教师还是学生,教师与学生的问应该各占多大比重,则成为教育工作者必须认真思考的问题。  反观今天的课堂教学,不难发现,现在还有一些教师只管讲课,学生只管记笔记,教师一味地灌输,学生一味地机
国有企业思想政治工作必须发挥企业党组织的政治核心作用,坚持“以人为本”的工作思路,注重针对性和实效性,切实优化政治领导、管理保障和综合评价“三个机制”。 The ideol