Change and constancy: Reflections on the Essential Characteristics of Literature in the Forming Mech

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  【Abstract】The formation of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary classics has its constant aesthetic pursuit of literary language, discussion of human nature and promotion of truth, goodness and beauty. However, different cultural groups have developed and changed their understanding and understanding of the artistic principles and connotations of truth, goodness and beauty at different stages of historical development.
  【Keywords】Literary classics; Formation mechanism; Literature; Essential characteristics
  With the rapid economic development in our time, the function and value of literature are declining. Our era is one in which literary text-based doctrine and reading-based doctrine encounter multimedia informatization. The first thing we should think about when we discuss the formation mechanism of literary classics is what classical literature is and its essential characteristics. Secondly, the question to be considered is which factors play a dominant role in the classical mechanism of literary works.
  First, the classic literature has the eternal value pursuit
  Literature is an art with language as its medium, and poetry is the essence of language. A classic literary work is first and foremost a treasure house of language and art, and there is no other classic literary work at all times and in all countries. Different from the casual expression of everyday spoken language, the classic sentences in literary language are carefully refined, flashing poetic light and sending out unique charm.
  Literature is a kind of human science, and the exploration and interpretation of human nature is the eternal theme of the literature of all nationalities in the world from ancient to present. Since ancient times, literature has never stopped exploring human nature and promoting truth, goodness and beauty. The exploration and promotion of human nature and truth, goodness and beauty has become the eternal theme of literature. The history of literature development is also the history of deepening the understanding of human nature and truth, goodness and beauty.
  Second, the concrete forms and contents of classical literature are changed and varied
  Literature and art are the art of pursuing truth, beauty and beauty. The relationship between truth, beauty and beauty is the meta-problem of traditional aesthetics. The direction of literary criticism and aesthetics is closely related to the basic problems of aesthetics. The external expression of literary works changes with the development of social life and social needs. The content of literary works also changes with the development of social life and social needs. Literary creation, including the creation of classical literature, originates from social life and reflects social life. As far as authors are concerned, each author lives in a specific historical period and a specific social and cultural atmosphere. The evolution and enrichment of the external forms of literary works cannot be separated from the development and change of social history.   Third, the social function of classical literature is realistic and positive
  Roughly speaking, the function of literature and art has the function of art education at the social level and aesthetic entertainment at the artistic level. The function of art education at the social level includes propaganda and education in political thought, ethics and religious belief. The extreme aesthetic of literature and art itself and the extreme utilitarian of literature and art will not produce classic literary works. The works of extreme aesthetic entertainment and the self-entertainment literary works of the author’s personal lyrical propaganda lack due social value and significance, and the literary works of extreme enlightenment function lack self-discipline and artistic value of literature and art.
  Conclusion: In the current era of hypermedia and consumer culture, truth, goodness and beauty are facing separation from each other, literary works are facing the impact of fast and simplified hypermedia and the weakening of the social function of consumer culture-oriented literature, and literary workers need to constantly think and explore the way of literature’s survival and canonization.
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【摘要】随着新课程标准的颁布实施,英语核心素养一词越来越被人们所熟知。许多初中英语教师在平时的课堂教学中,更多地关注培养学生语言知识的掌握,而忽略了对学生语言能力、学习能力及思维品质的培养。本文从英语核心素养的概念入手,分析当前初中英语阅读课中存在的一些典型问题,并对如何培养学生的核心素养提出相应策略。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】阮燕梅,安庆师范大学。  一、 引言 
【摘要】普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)明确规定培养学生的学科核心素养是高中英语阅读教学的主要目标。基于此,高中英语开展教学中,不仅需注重对学生阅读及写作技能的培养,还需要对学生具备的价值观、情感态度、跨文化意识等实施培养。本文主要对核心素养下高中英语的教学策略实施探讨,从而使学生的英语水平及其应用能力得到全面提升。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养;教学;策略  【作者简介】许周东,福建省福安
【摘要】本文立足于小学英语教育实践,从听、说、读、写四个方面入手,针对巧用绘本发展小学生英语听力能力、表达能力、阅读能力、写作能力所具备的突出价值进行了详细阐述与探讨,旨在充分发挥绘本的价值,切实提升与优化小学英语教学效益。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本教学;听力能力;表达能力;阅读能力;写作能力  【作者简介】李洪英,天津市武清区王庄军民小学;袁长涛,天津市武清区下朱庄街越秀园小学。  绘本是一种
【摘要】课堂的动态生成,不是照本宣科,一成不变。它强调的是以学生为主体的体验式、探究式学习,营造的是一个师生互动、富有生命力的课堂。新课程英语课堂上,需要有预设,更需要根据实际课堂上的动态生成,从而构建灵动的课堂。本文从灵活处理课堂突发事件,有效捕捉课堂错误资源,抓住“生问”,个性化的評价等方面展开阐述。尝试通过把握生成资源,让小学英语课更富魅力。  【关键词】 小学英语;生成资源;灵动课堂  【
一、引言  近几年,以Forceville为代表的国外学者创新性地将纯语言学领域隐喻的探索拓展到多学科的多模态研究领域,并根据该探索,提出了多模态隐喻理论,该理论一推出就得到了相关领域学者的重视。本文欲借助多模态信息设备将隐喻理论引入大学英语教学,意在探索大学生对大学英语课程采用多模态隐喻教学的接受程度。  二、多模态隐喻  1. 隐喻与多模态隐喻。20世纪80年代,两位美国语言学家拉考夫和约翰逊
【摘要】本文针对在高中英语阅读课教学中运用阅读圈教学模式的困惑、结合阅读圈教学模式的理念分析产生这些困惑的起因,提出可以付诸日常中学教材教学实践的解决方案,以期望能够更好地推广从而帮助提高学生的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】阅读圈;困惑;主动学习;学科核心素养;对策  【作者简介】周晖,福州市第二中学。一、引言  “阅读圈”(Reading circles),又称“文学圈”(Literature
【摘要】阅读是读者利用自己的语言体验和思维能力去感知、理解文本,并与作者交流思想的过程。所以在阅读课中,我们既要帮助学生理解文本,引导他们独立提炼和运用语言。更要激发学生的阅读热情,探索英语语言美,提升思维品质。  【关键词】思维品质;文本解读;自主阅读;理解升华  【作者简介】潘国艳,孙丹青,江苏省宜兴市新街中学。  阅读是读者利用自己的语言体验和思维能力去感知、理解文本,并与作者交流思想的过程
【摘要】在高职院校英语教学中实施分层教学,有利于关注不同层次学生的实际需求,充分调动学生学习的积极性;有利于学生自主性和创造性潜能的发挥。本文以河北化工医药职业技术学院英语分层教学实践为基点,从分层教学的必要前提、关键环节、有效途径、重要保障四个方面探究分层教学的基本策略。以期为高职英语分层教学乃至英语教学改革提供经验。  【关键词】高职英语;分层教学;必要前提;关键环节;有效途径;重要保障  【