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随着零售行业的持续、高速发展,零售终端的重要性日益凸显。“终端为王”的理念已被广大企业所接受,并为此投入了大量的人力、物力和财力。然而,由于零售终端管理的分散性与连贯性,相当多的企业在产品进入终端客户后,由于工作流程以及方式方法上的缺陷,终端基础信息却未能得到及时准确的收集、整理与利用,并未能对终端投入产出比例的计算提 With the continuous and rapid development of the retail industry, the importance of retail terminals has become increasingly prominent. “Terminal for the king ” concept has been accepted by the majority of enterprises, and to this end invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. However, due to the fragmentation and coherence of retail terminal management, quite a lot of enterprises fail to obtain timely, accurate collection, sorting and utilization of terminal basic information due to the workflow and the methodological defects after the products enter the end customers. And failed to put into the proportion of terminal input-output calculation
主持人:由山西省代理商联合会发起成立的“山西天客隆联合超市” 能否运作成功,还有待于市场的检验,但他们这种敢于通过实践走向完善的努力,由商商冲突、走向商商整合、联合
Background: Helicobacter pylori infection induces progressive inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa that may lead to gastric cancer. Understanding long ter
“好的产品”好找,“好的策划”也不是太难实现,是否有“好的管理”却决定了你的产品市场能做到多大,能做多久。 1999年5月,哈慈收购了双鸭山制药厂。该厂有50多种普药,但没
美伊战争,美国的行动代号叫“斩首行动”。而今年,在 IT 业,江苏的宏图三胞也提出了一个代号叫“斩须行动”的战略,意图在 IT 终端零售业一统天下。宏图三胞——中国第一个
Two NE-SW trending wide-angle seismic profiles were surveyed across the Chinese side of the Yinggehai (莺歌海) basin (YGHB) with ocean bottom hydrophones (OBHs)