深化改革 强化管理 促进输血事业健康发展

来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen_d031
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加快输血事业的发展,适应医疗市场的需求,是社会发展的必然选择。但输血事业的发展,在补偿机制尚不完善,职工医疗制度改革全面推行的新形势下,只能走深化改革、强化管理、依靠科技进步之路。 Accelerating the development of blood transfusion and adapting to the needs of the medical market is an inevitable choice for social development. However, with the development of the blood transfusion industry, the compensation mechanism is still not perfect, and under the new situation in which the reform of the staff medical system is fully implemented, it can only take the road of deepening reform, strengthening management, and relying on scientific and technological progress.
目的 :对本院中药制剂乳宁合剂 (Rulinmixture ,RLM )治疗乳腺增生病的药效学进行研究。方法 :试品采用组方中药 ,制成合剂 ,制造动物模型 ,灌胃给药 ,观察功能学、组织细胞
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