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  19世纪后半期起,大运河沿岸城市建立了相当数量的教会学校。教会学校最直接的贡献就是把现代教育模式移植到了中国。经过多年经营,在整个20世纪上半叶,13所教会大学和几十所教会中学为中国融入现代文明、为教育和社会的现代化作出了重大贡献。而这些学校中相当一部分位于大运河沿线的城市或者与运河关系甚为密切的城市。   教会大学各校名师云集,各有自己的个性和特殊专业,办学有声有色,学生才俊辈出。燕京大学的社会学系和新闻系,在全世界都有影响力。在二战后的“东京审判”中,中国法官中的大部分都是毕业于东吴大学。医科更是教会大学的强项,协和医学院、湘雅医学院以及齐鲁大学的医科,为中国培养了最优秀的医学人才。
  Grand Canal: Corridor of International Cultural Exchanges
  By Wei Daguo
  Historically, the Grand Canal of China served as a corridor of international cultural exchanges. The exchanges were mutual: in the early centuries, Chinese culture went out to the outside world; largely in the Ming (1368-1644) and the Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, foreign cultures began to come in.
  Prosperity of the Grand Canal
  One of the earliest description of the Grand Canal of China was made by Marco Polo (1254-1324), who traveled across China for years. He mentioned the Grand Canal that connected the Yangtze River and Dadu, the present day Beijing, the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). There are detailed descriptions in the travelogue about the canal towns in Shandong Province.
  It was in the Ming Dynasty that westerners began to flood into China on a large scale. Their arrival in China followed Columbus’ epoch-making travel. Afterwards, the west expanded outward through wars, trade, religious missions, colonialism, profits through looting. By the 19th century, Europe played a big role in the world. Europeans came to China, allured by the legendary wealth of China. During these centuries, foreign diplomatic envoys, missionaries, and travelers usually traveled on the Canal to reach Beijing. They were deeply impressed by the size and the grandeur of the Grand Canal. Their reports deepened the western understanding of the great country in the orient.
  The Italian missionary Matteo Ricci (1552–1610) came to China during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming. He traveled on the Grand Canal from Nanjing to Beijing and chronicled his canal tour in detail in his book. In addition to Matteo Ricci, other missionaries also wrote books and introduced their China experiences to Europe. Some missionaries even provided Europeans with translations of Chinese classics. James Legge (1815-1897), a noted Scottish sinologist and missionary in Malacca and Hong Kong for 33 years and first professor of Chinese at Oxford University for 21 years. He translated Chinese classics into English and wrote books on Confucius and Mencius as well as Chinese literature and religion. Before he took office at Oxford, he started in April 1873 in Shanghai to visit Beijing. He traveled on the Grand Canal. On his way back, he visited Mount Tai and Confucius Temple. Then he traveled on the Canal again on his way back to Shanghai.   By the late 19th century and early 20th century, the Grand Canal of China had become a constant subject in encyclopedias, map atlases, and academic books published in the west.
  Western Culture Came In
  While information on the Grand Canal went abroad, westerners brought western culture into China. In China scholars describes the phenomenon through the Ming, the Qing and the Republic years in words “Western Winds Blow into East.” The Grand Canal played a big role in this cultural exchange between east and west.
  Nicolas Trigault (1577-1629) arrived in Beijing shortly after Matteo Ricci passed away. A French missionary and sinologist, he was an influential westerner in China. He toured China before going back to Europe to report to the Pope on missionary affairs in China. In 1612, he returned to Europe. He traveled across Europe, publicizing the work of the Jesuit missions in China and raising funds. He appeared in public dressed in the Confucian gown. It was during his European tour that he edited and translated Matteo Ricci’s China Journal. The work was published in Augsburg in 1616 and later it was translated into many European languages and widely read. Twenty-two young missionaries followed him back to China. Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591-1666) was one of the 22 missionaries. He served the emperors of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.
  Nicolas Trigault brought 7,000 books and instruments to China and traveled on the Grand Canal all the way from Hangzhou to Beijing. He set up the first foreign library in China. He planned to translate the books into Chinese in collaboration with a group of elite Chinese scholars. He died in Hangzhou in 1628 and he was buried in Hangzhou. His translation project aborted and most of the books dissipated. In 1938, hundreds of books were found in a library of a Catholic church in Beijing. These books were part of the 7,000 books Trigault had brought to China.
  After the Opium War in the mid 19th century, missionaries flooded into China. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, canal cities and towns in northern Zhejiang were home to headquarters of some foreign missionaries in China. St. Vincent de Paul Seminary, a Catholic abbey in Jiaxing, served as the only seminary for all the missionaries in China from 1902 to 1908. The Catholic Church in Jiaxing, built in 1930, was the largest church in China and the third largest in Far East at that time. The two sanctuaries are now cultural relic units under provincial protection.   John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962) was the first President of Yenching University and later United States ambassador to China from 1946 to 1949. Born in Hangzhou in 1876, he was son of Presbyterian missionary parents based in Hangzhou and reached out to believers around Hangzhou and areas along the Grand Canal north of Hangzhou. John Leighton Stuart grew up on Hangzhou and spoke the local dialect. After he finished education in the United States, he came back to Hangzhou and started missionary work in 1905. His constituents were residents in canal towns and villages.
  From the late 19th century, church schools in canal towns and cities mushroomed, contributing to the modernization of education in China. In the first half of the 20th century, there were 13 universities, dozens of schools in the primary and secondary education founded and operated by foreign churches. The majority of these schools were situated in canal towns and cities or cities closely associated with the Grand Canal. Church-associated universities turned out talents in various fields and these graduates played a big role in the modernization of China in the 20th century.
  The Grand Canal went out of fashion in 1901 when the Qing government aborted the centuries-old tributary system. However, the Grand Canal continued to play a big part in regional economy in eastern China. Shanghai, which grew out of nothing after the Opium War, rapidly became an international metropolis in the early 20th century. Given its geographic position in the canal area, Shanghai’s rise to the international status was closely associated with the Grand Canal. When one examines the cultural history of the Yangtze River Delta in the late 19th century and early 20th century, one would wonder why there was a galaxy of cultural celebrities in the region. They all came from the canal region, enriched and shaped by cultural exchanges between China and the outside world made possible by the Grand Canal.
扼要介绍了南京航空航天大学图书馆最近几年在建设电子化、网络化基础设施,建立电子文献资源,配套相应服务等方面所作的努力。 This paper briefly introduces the efforts ma
系统性硬化症(硬皮病)CREST综合征异型病人的皮肤改变通常局限于手指和颜面,内脏病变发展较慢,血清中存在抗着丝点抗体(Anticentromere Antibody)。肺动脉高压常是CREST综合