Electrochemical water oxidation by photo-deposited cobalt-based catalyst on a nano-structured TiO_2

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bynlxd
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A cobalt-based catalyst was directly photo-deposited on the surface of a widely used n-type nano-structured semiconductor(TiO 2).Different thicknesses of the TiO 2 films as well as different time of photo-deposition of the Co-based catalyst on TiO 2 films have been optimized.It was found that the electrode with 3 layers of TiO 2 film(in 8 m thickness) and 1 hour photo-deposition of the cobalt-based catalyst by light irradiation from a 500 W Xenon lamp gave the highest current density(~5 mA/cm 2).Using this cobalt-modified TiO 2 film as a working electrode in an electrochemical device,highly efficient water oxidation has been demonstrated in a pH 7.0 aqueous solution with low overpotential. A cobalt-based catalyst was directly photo-deposited on the surface of a widely used n-type nano-structured semiconductor (TiO 2). Different thicknesses of the TiO 2 films as well as different time of photo-deposition of the Co-based catalyst on TiO 2 films have been optimized. It was found that the electrode with 3 layers of TiO 2 film (in 8 μm thickness) and 1 hour photo-deposition of the cobalt-based catalyst by light irradiation from a 500 W Xenon lamp gave the highest current density (~ 5 mA / cm 2) .Using this cobalt-modified TiO 2 film as a working electrode in an electrochemical device, highly efficient water oxidation has been demonstrated in a pH 7.0 aqueous solution with low overpotential.
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