
来源 :图书馆研究与工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buhao00155
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2010年12月21日,在浙江图书馆建馆110周年主题展开展之日,浙江省公共图书馆展览工作研讨会暨展览联盟成立仪式在杭州举行。省文化厅社文处副处长倪巍,浙江图书馆馆长朱海闵、副馆长贾晓东,杭州图书馆等11个地市图书馆馆长及义乌市图书馆馆长参会。 On December 21, 2010, on the day when the theme exhibition of the 110th anniversary of the founding of Zhejiang Library was held, the ceremony and forum for the exhibition of public libraries in Zhejiang Province was held in Hangzhou. Ni Wei, deputy director of the Department of Social Affairs and Culture of the Provincial Department of Culture, Zhu Haimin, curator of Zhejiang Library, Jia Xiaodong, deputy director of the Library of Zhejiang Province, director of the 11 municipal libraries and director of the Yiwu Library attended the conference.
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图书馆员只有不断的提高和完善自身的素质,才能更好的为读者提供全方位、高效率的服务,从而推动图书馆事业的发展 Only when librarians continuously improve and perfect
信息技术的迅猛发展,文献载体的多元化,使图书馆的服务途径日趋丰富,图书馆员应开阔思路,不断思考服务方式及内容以应读者所需。 With the rapid development of informatio
Oral prescription medical foods have long been used in hospital settings but are also appropriate therapies for gastrointestinal disorders in outpatient medical
AIM:To investigate the electrolyte changes between 2-L polyethylene glycol with ascorbic acid 20 g(PEGAsc) and 4-L PEG solutions.METHODS:From August 2012 to Feb