
来源 :广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzhl512
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伟大领袖毛主席教导说:“我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术”。利用杂种优势是当前农业增产的十分有效的途径之一。水稻“三系”选育近年来取得了不少成绩,进展很快。对水稻雄性不育的生理生化特征的研究将会为水稻“三系”的选育提供一些理论根据。为了配合我区水稻“三系”选育工作,更好地为农业生产服务,我们接受自治区交给的任务,在区协作组的指导和各兄弟单位的大力协助下,今年4月中旬开始对水稻“三系”花药中氨基酸、糖、有机酸进行比较分析研究,试图从中找出这些物质与花粉不育性的相互关系,现将其中一部分结果初步报告如下。 材料和方法 供试材料是今年3月5日——3月18日在海南岛崖县崖城公社广西农科院、广西农学院南繁田中采集的野栽型不育系野生稻×广选三号(B_4F_1),为了进行比较分析,我们还采集了它的不同回交世代〔野生稻×广选三号(B_4F_1)〕以及保持系广选三号,恢复系IR—24。按花粉发育的三个时期(减数分裂、单核一双核、双核一三核)于早上5—6时或下午5—6时随机取样采集,然后在日光下晒干保存供试验用。 试验采用纸上色层分析法。分析时,每种材料均分别剥离颖壳取2000个花药,加石英砂少许研磨,用82%酒精保存在60℃水浴巾浸提2次(每次1小时),离心(4000转/分)10分钟,然后将浸? Chairman Mao, the great leader, taught: “We must break the routine and try to adopt advanced technologies.” The use of heterosis is one of the most effective ways to increase agricultural output. In recent years, the “three lines” of rice breeding have made many achievements and progressed rapidly. The study of physiological and biochemical characteristics of male sterility in rice will provide some theoretical basis for the breeding of “three lines” in rice. In order to cooperate with the “three lines” of rice paddy breeding in our region and serve agricultural production better, we accepted the tasks handed over by the autonomous region. Under the guidance of the district cooperation group and the vigorous assistance of the fraternal units, A comparative analysis of amino acids, sugars and organic acids in anther of “three lines” of rice has been carried out to try to find out the relationship between these substances and pollen sterility. Some results of the preliminary report are as follows. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials tested were wild-type CMS lines wild rice collected from Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yacheng Commune, Yaxian County, Hainan Island from March 5 to March 18 this year. On the 3rd (B_4F_1), we also collected its different backcrossed generations (wild rice × Guangxuan No. 3 (B_4F_1)) and maintainer line Guangzhong No.3 (restorer line IR-24) for comparative analysis. The three stages of pollen development (meiosis, mononuclear-dinuclear, dinuclear-tri-nuclear) were sampled randomly at 5-6 o’clock in the morning or at 5-6 o’clock in the afternoon and then stored under sunlight for test purposes. Test using paper chromatography. In the analysis, each material was peeled off the husk to take 2000 anthers, a little ground with quartz sand, leached with 82% alcohol in 60 ℃ water bath for 2 times (1 hour each time), centrifuged (4000 rpm) 10 minutes then dip
扬子钱塘两川间, 横亘五百里黄山。 U谷刻痕为确据, 今日云海昔冰川。奇峰破天锷未残, 云海波涛浪无边。人猿揖别第四纪, 银蛇玉龙舞黄山。云海翻腾松涛怒吼位于扬子钱塘两