1月 中国车市迎来开门红 新车销量超过200万辆

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2013年1月,国内销售汽车203.45万辆,同比增长46.38%,环比增长12.41%。2013年第一个月,中国汽车产销量双双飘红。根据中国汽车工业协会的统计,1月汽车生产196.45万辆,同比增长51.17%;汽车销售203.45万辆,同比增长46.38%;产销均创历史新高。中国汽车工业协会表示,之所以出现如此高的增长,一方面源于汽车购买需求的集 In January 2013, domestic sales of 2.0345 million vehicles, an increase of 46.38%, growth of 12.41%. In the first month of 2013, both automobile production and sales in China were rosy. According to the statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, January production of automobiles was 1.9645 million units, up 51.17% over the same period of last year; the sales volume of automobiles was 2.0345 million units, up 46.38% over the same period of previous year; China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said that the reason why such a high growth, on the one hand, from the set of car purchase needs
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of routine hospitalization for fetal monitoring on the perinatal survival and neonatal morbidity of monoamn
To examine whether screening guidelines for gestational diabetes should be modified based on ethnicity. Study design: This is a retrospective cohort study of 14
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4月17日,中国汽车信息服务产业转型升级大会召开新闻发布会。新京报、经济日报、第一财经日报、科技日报、中国汽车报、汽车纵横、中国工业报、中国电子报、通讯产业报、腾讯、搜狐、新浪、凤凰网、新华网、人民网、中国网、慧聪网、汽车之家等多家媒体记者参加了新闻发布会。  中国汽车信息服务产业转型升级大会新闻发布会由叶盛基副秘书长主持。  董扬常务副会长兼秘书长、孙家栋院士、沈荣骏院士、苗前军常务副会长兼秘书