
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmask
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1992年9月29日,在公安部的指导协调下,福建省公安机关根据广东省公安机关提供的线索,经过长达4个多月的缜密侦察,成功地破获了由香港贩毒集团一手策划、指挥并提供资金和技术,利用境内原料及人力,在福州设点制贩“冰”毒的特大案件。抓获境内外案犯7名,缴获“冰”毒310公斤,半成品261公斤,以及大量制毒设备、原料、试剂等罪证。(一)1992年5至8月间,公安部和广东省公安厅先后向福建省公安厅通报香港贩毒集团在福州等地进行制贩“冰”毒(即甲基安非他明)犯罪活动的线索。福建省公安厅刑侦处缉毒科接到通报后,立即开展外围调查。9月8日,陈旭副厅长听取了初步调 On September 29, 1992, under the guidance and coordination of the Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs of Fujian Province succeeded in cracking down the plot organized by the Hong Kong drug trafficking syndicate on the basis of the clues provided by the public security organ in Guangdong Province. After more than four months of careful scouting, Command and provide funds and technology, the use of domestic raw materials and manpower, set up in Fuzhou point system “ice ” poisonous big case. Seven domestic and foreign prisoners were arrested and 310 kilograms of “ice” poison and 261 kilograms of semi-finished products were seized, as well as a large number of evidences of equipment, raw materials and reagents. (I) From May to August 1992, the Ministry of Public Security and the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department successively notified the Fujian Provincial Public Security Department about the drug trafficking in Hong Kong, such as “ice” (methamphetamine) Clue to criminal activity. Public Security Department of Fujian Province Criminal Investigation Department after receiving the notification narco-ordinate, immediately carry out a peripheral investigation. September 8, Chen Xu, deputy director heard the initial tune
南开信息化示范工程作为天津信息港工程“九五”重点任务之一,其总体规划已获批准,目前已开始启动实施。 该工程建设的基本目标是:充分利用现有的有线电视网络基础设施,建成
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1.忽视定义域优先原则  例1 判断函数[f(x)=1+sinx-cos2x1+sinx]的奇偶性.  错解 [f(x)=sin2x+sinx1+sinx=sinx],  又[∵f(-x)=sin(-x)=-sinx=-f(x)],  [∴f(x)]是奇函数.  分析 利用公式将[f(x)]化简,是本题的突破口,得到结果是[f(x)=sinx],但在求函数奇偶性时,忽略了定义域优先的原则.
九月初,幼儿园又变得异常热闹,其中新入园的托班孩子的哭闹声是必奏的乐章。这是孩子入园焦虑的固有表现,一般来说,孩子入园1~2周后,焦虑情绪就会慢慢缓解,但我班的妞妞是个特例。  “复读王”现身  妞妞哭红了的眼睛可怜兮兮地盯着外婆,小手紧抓着外婆的衣领,嘴里不断传出嘤嘤的哭喊声:“外婆,你马上来接我,你马上来接我,好吗?”“好,好,外婆早一点来接你,外婆第一个来接你。”外婆一边说一边快速地将妞妞塞