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朱家溍先生(1914年8月11日-2003年9月29日),字季黄,浙江萧山人,故宫博物院研究员、国家文物局文物鉴定委员会委员、中央文史研究馆馆员、九三学社社员,著名的文物专家和历史学家。1943年,朱先生开始在重庆参加故宫博物院文物保管和研究等工作。1945年抗日战争胜利后,朱先生回到北平,历任故宫博物院科员、科长、编纂等职务,担任文物提集、整理、编目、陈列等工作。朱家溍先生先后主编了《两朝御览图书》、《明清帝后宝玺》等图书,由他主编的《国宝》荣获法兰克福国际书展一流图书奖。他的专著《故宫退食录》被评为1999年十大畅销书之一。朱家溍先生学识渊博,涉及学科既广且深,多次解决院内外文物、历史等疑难问题,硕果累累,堪称大师。 Zhu Jianye (August 11, 1914 - September 29, 2003), the word yellow, Zhejiang Xiaoshan people, the Imperial Palace Museum researcher, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage Appraisal Committee, the Central Literature and History Museum librarian, Jiu San Society members, the famous Heritage experts and historians. In 1943, Mr. Zhu started to attend the custody and research of cultural relics in the National Palace Museum in Chongqing. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Mr. Zhu returned to Peking and served successively as a member of the National Palace Museum, section chief and compilation. He was responsible for collecting, arranging, cataloging and displaying cultural relics. Mr. Zhu Jianye successively edited such books as The Two Books of the Qing Dynasty and Bao Xi of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The national treasure edited by him won the first prize of the International Book Fair in Frankfurt. His monograph The Forbidden City retreat recorded as one of the top ten bestsellers in 1999. Mr. Zhu Jia 溍 is rich in knowledge, involving a wide range of disciplines and deep, many times to solve the cultural relics in the hospital, history and other difficult problems, fruitful, called master.
序号名  称主编单位1公路工程估算指标 (1996)交通部公路工程定额站2公路工程投资估算编制办法 (1996)交通部公路工程定额站3公路基本建设工程概算、预算编制办法 (1996)交
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毛木耳是木耳属中的一个种,因背面有毛而得名。毛木耳含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素,烹调食用,鲜嫩可口,可与黑木耳媲美,是重要的出口产品,也深受国内消费者的喜爱。 毛木耳最大
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  单纵模TEA CO2激光器具有良好的波长可调谐性,高的脉冲输出功率,极好的单色性和相干性等特点,是外差探测CO2差分吸收激光雷达的理想光源.对于普通的TEA CO2激光器,当其工作气