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茶叶批发市场的品牌建设,是业内人士高度关注的问题。目前,我国的茶叶批发市场,却依然处在相对低级的阶段,不但没有形成一个像立顿那样的世界性品牌,甚至连一个叫得响的全国性品牌也没有。多少年来,我国的茶叶市场被形象地比喻为“有姓无名”。有姓,是指有品种;无名,是指茶叶没有自己的品牌。茶叶品牌建设远远落后于市场,已经成为制约我国茶产业发展的一大障碍。茶叶批发市场的品牌缺失,对茶产业的发展来说的是一个巨大的不利因素,因为它是整个茶产业链中承上启下的重要环节。没有品牌,就没有竞争力。平庸的茶叶批发市场使我国的茶叶产品在国内外的销售受阻,在国际市场上缺乏竞争力,卖不出好价钱。目前我国出口茶在国际市场上每公斤仅值1至2美元,平均茶价比印度低4成,比斯里兰卡低6成多,甚至比肯尼亚的茶叶价格还要低20%。茶叶批发市场的品牌缺失,反过来又是对批发市场自身的损害。平庸的批发市场只能让消费者失望,同时也让茶叶生产企业望而却步,从而降低市场占有率,最终导致萎缩。本文试对中国茶叶批发市场应如何打造企业品牌这个问题谈一点粗浅的看法,与同行交流以抛砖引玉。 Tea wholesale market brand building, the industry is highly concerned about the issue. At present, China’s tea wholesale market is still in a relatively low-level stage. Not only has it not formed a worldwide brand like Lipton, nor has it even a national brand that has a good reputation. In the past few years, the tea market in our country has been vividly described as “surname ”. A surname, refers to a species; nameless, refers to the tea does not have its own brand. Tea brand building lags far behind the market, has become a major obstacle to the development of China’s tea industry. The absence of a brand in the tea wholesale market is a huge disadvantage for the development of the tea industry as it is an important link in the entire tea industry chain. Without a brand, there is no competitiveness. Mediocre tea wholesale market in China’s tea products blocked sales at home and abroad, the lack of competitiveness in the international market, can not sell a good price. At present, China’s export of tea in the international market only worth 1 to 2 US dollars per kilogram, the average tea price 40% lower than India, 60% lower than Sri Lanka, even tea prices in Kenya even lower than 20%. The brand of tea wholesale market is missing, which in turn is the wholesale market’s own damage. Mediocre wholesale market can only disappoint consumers, but also discouraged tea manufacturers, thereby reducing market share, eventually leading to shrinking. This article tries to talk about the issue of how to build a brand of tea in China’s tea wholesale market, with a few superficial opinions, and exchanges with peers to start a discussion.
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1 临床资料  患者男 ,16岁。因活动后心慌气短 1周入院。体温 36 8℃ ,脉搏 98次 /分 ,血压 12 0 / 80mmHg ( 1mmHg =0 133kPa)。无发绀及杵状指 (趾 ) ,活动耐力正常 ,不喜蹲踞 ,
目的探讨安全有效地在内镜下摘除结、直肠扁平无蒂大息肉。方法先在病变的基底部粘膜下层分点注射肾上腺素-盐水溶液,使病变部隆起,然后再在肠镜下用圈套分块电凝摘除。结果本院内镜室用此法治疗结直肠扁平无蒂息肉24例,所有病变直径均大于2cm,其中2~3cm 17例,3.1~4cm 6例,>5cm 1例。术后病理为腺瘤21例,早期大肠癌3例,均经内镜根治,经随访3例大肠癌均无复发。本组未出现出血或穿孔等并发
最近,法国出版的政治小说《1980年的革命》(《The Revolutionof 1980》),引起了巨大的反响,欧美主要报刊纷纷撰文介绍,美国《时代》周刊(1978年10月30日的一期)把它列入世界