Structure modeling and spatial epitope analysis for HA protein of the novel H1N1 influenza virus

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In recent months,a novel influenza virus H1N1 broke out around the world.With bioinformatics technology,the 3D structure of HA protein was obtained,and the epitope residues were predicted with the method developed in our group for this novel flu virus.58 amino acids were identified as potential epitope residues,the majority of which clustered at the surface of the globular head of HA protein.Although it is located at the similar position,the epitope of HA protein for the novel H1N1 flu virus has obvious differences in the electrostatic potential compared to that of HA proteins from previous flu viruses. In recent months, a novel influenza virus H1N1 broke out around the world. World bioinformatics technology, the 3D structure of HA protein was obtained, and the epitope residues were predicted with the method developed in our group for this novel flu virus. 58 amino acids were identified as potential epitope residues, the majority of which clustered at the surface of the globular head of HA protein. Although it is located in the similar position, the epitope of HA protein for the novel H1N1 flu virus has obvious differences in the electrostatic potential compared to that of HA proteins from previous flu viruses.
摘 要: 本文分析了学困生在数学方面的主要表现,并提出了在数学教学中对学困生渗透“爱”的价值观教育的策略。  关键词: 初中数学教学 学困生 “爱”的价值观教育  我国近代教育学家夏丏尊先生说:“教育没有情感、没有爱,就如同池塘没有水,没有水就不能称其为池塘,没有爱就没有教育。”何谓学困生,即学习困难的学生,是指在知识基础、学习习惯方法、心理素质等方面存在偏离常规的结构性缺陷,智力得不到正常的开发
甜豆腐脑VS.咸豆腐脑  说起这豆腐脑,大概没几位同学没听说过。这玩意儿虽然极其普通,却是个南北通吃的家伙。等等!南北通吃?不服!我们统统不服!有“童鞋”马上站出来:“我们这儿的豆腐脑是甜的!冬天浇上红糖姜水暖胃暖心,夏天冰镇豆腐脑配着红豆、绿豆、葡萄干、杏仁片清甜爽口……”“甜豆腐脑‘神马鬼’!”立马有人打断:“难道豆腐脑不应该成得天经地义?你看我一碗白嫩的豆腐脑,配着深棕的酱油,暗金的麻油,米
Ay4?j;k二/】一。《十【D刃人【丫S_声“人TInyLlkrh厂wyxcotrN毛_A。1/””·/祝贺《河北教育》创刊50周年 Ay4? J; k two / one. “Ten blade people 【Ah S_ sound” TIn
近日,读了唐庆华先生写的《哈佛大学亲历记》(1997年第3期《书摘》),印象颇深,因为本刊的办刊方法与哈佛的教学方法不谋而合,均注重从分析实例入手。这不是很有趣吗? 号称资