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文化的发展离不开学校人才的培养,而人才不仅仅是掌握技能,更重要的在已掌握的知识基础上立足本土文化对其继承,创作和推广,这是我们目前高校培养学生的目标。教育是为了传播文化、发展文明,音乐更是集历史,人文,地理多元化为一体的文化形式。河南作为一个文化大省,所拥有的音乐文化遗产数不胜数,从古到今,河南文明的发展可以说是中国文化发展的剪影。悠悠中原,饱含了太多值得我们学习和发扬的文化精髓,埋藏了太多值得我们挖掘和弘扬的民族瑰宝。可随着时代的发展,人的审美越来越高,很多优秀的民族音乐文化在慢慢的流逝与消退。如何让高校的音乐教育中结合地方音乐文化,让学生能够乐于接受、愿于了解、喜于传播河南民族民间音乐文化,是我们作为教育工作者需要担负起的责任。 Cultural development is inseparable from the cultivation of school personnel, and talent is not only to master the skills, more importantly, based on the knowledge they already have, inherit, create and popularize on the basis of their local culture. This is the goal of our current colleges and universities in training students. Education is to spread culture and develop civilization, and music is a cultural form integrating history, culture and geography. As a large cultural province, Henan boasts numerous musical and cultural heritages. From ancient times till now, the development of Henan civilization can be regarded as a sketch of the development of Chinese culture. Long Central Plains, full of too many worthy of our study and development of the essence of culture, buried too many worthy of our exploration and promotion of the national treasures. With the development of the times, the aesthetic of the people is getting higher and higher, and many excellent national music cultures are slowly passing away. How to make music education in colleges and universities combine with local music culture so that students can be willing to accept, are willing to understand, like to spread Henan folk music and culture, is that we as educators need to shoulder the responsibility.
目的 探讨TORCH系列病原体感染与自然流产的关系。方法 对 94例有自然流产史的和 50例无自然流产史的妇女 ,应用ELISA法检测血清中特异性TORCH系列IgG和IgM。 结果 观察组
继2008年上海、杭州专场成功举办后,5月7日,“中国医药高端专家沙龙”北京专场再一次为广大临床药学人员带来了一场精彩纷呈的研讨。与前两场会议一样,药师 Following the s
系统评价者:Makrides M,Crowther C A1 背景 镁是人类需要量相对较大的必须金属元素之一。很多食品当中含有镁,所以标准饮食的健康人群中很少有镁缺乏的报道。对孕期饮食摄