On Translation Strategies of Idiomsfrom the Perspective of Cultural Schema Theory

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  【Abstract】Idioms, which contain abundant cultural contents and profound truths, are known as one of the features of Chinese. And schemata refer to the knowledge and experience in human brain. The differences of cultural schemata will bring about difficulties and challenges to translation. Through an analysis of the translation strategies in Jenner’s Journey to the West, this paper is aimed to find out in different cultural schemata what translation strategies the translator will adopt to activate or adjust the cultural schemata in readers’ brain so as to help them solve the problems of cultural factors during their reading.
  【Key words】Journey to the West; cultural schemata; translation strategies
  Languages is a very important component of culture, and also the carrier of culture. Each language carries the centuries-old histories and deep-rooted cultures of one nation. On account of the divergent cultural backgrounds, people from different countries form their own distinctive cultural schemata. And the divergent of cultural schemata will lead to difficulties in the translation of idioms. As one of the Chinese classics, there exist tremendous idioms in Journey to the West, which on the one hand enrich the linguistic features of the literary work, and on the other hand add cultural atmosphere to the work. Therefore, the researches on idioms in Journey to the West is beneficial to our understanding of the inherent meaning of the work, and the appropriate translation of idioms can help readers overcome difficulties caused by cultural diversity.
  1. Cultural Schema Theory
  In 1932, British psychologist Barlett put forth that schema is “an active organization of past reactions operation in any well-adapted or experiences which must always be supposed to be organic response”. Bartlett found when readers tried to understand new objects or knowledge, their memories and understandings would be changed as time went on so as to make adjustments to their own schema. Afterwords, scholars made a further study on schema theory. The modern schema theory regards schemata as the foundation of cognition. It is the existed schemata in our brain that decide our comprehension of new knowledge. Only when the input information is identical to those schemata can readers understand the new knowledge. The cultural schemata covers all background knowledge related to cultures, including customs, religions, histories, geography etc. Generally, it can be divided into three categories, i.e., the overlapped, the divergent and the vacant cultural schemata.   2. Translation Strategies of Idioms
  2.1 The Overlapped Cultural Schema
  Because there are more or less some similarities in the natural environment or social environment of different nations, some similar cultural schemata then come into being, which will lead to the overlapped cultural schemata in the cross-cultural communication.
  e.g.1: 污言秽语(24, 202)
  Jenner’s: filthy and stinking abuse(24, 563)
  It refers to the bestial words in China. In Western countries there are also such bestial words like “asshole”, “fuck”.
  e.g.2: 没精打采(66, 554)
  Jenner’s: be listless(66, 1503)
  It is used to describe a person who is out of spirit in China, so does it in Western countries.
  e.g.3: 东张西望(68, 569)
  Jenner’s: to stare all around(68, 1547)
  Both in China and in Western countries, it means “look around”.
  The above examples are idioms of overlapped cultural schemata. All the words represent the same meaning no matter in China or in Western countries. When the translator deals with idioms like this, he translates all the words literally. It shows that when the cultural schemata overlapped between the original text and the readers, literal translation can activate the exited schemata in readers brain. Therefore, literal translation doesn’t affect readers understanding of idioms.
  2.2 The Divergent Cultural Schemata
  The divergent cultural schema refers to the conflicts between two cultures in cross-cultural communication.
  e.g. 龙吟虎啸(60, 503)
  Jenner’s: Dragons howled, tigers roared.(60, 1356)
  “龙” in China represents “auspiciousness”, “nobility”, “authority” and “power”, while in Western countries “dragon” is a wicked creature, which is a representative of devils. A deviation appears between the cultural schemata in both countries. Jenner chooses “dragon” to translate “龙” may lead readers to activate their schema of “dragon”, which may cause misunderstanding in our Chinese “龙”. Therefore, the translator here had better add an annotation to the idiom to explain the differences between the two cultures so as to adjust readers’ existed cultural schemata. Then readers can create a new correct schema to better comprehend this idiom.
  2.3 The Vacant Cultural Schemata
  The vacant schema means there is no similar schema in source language and target language in cross-culture communication.
  e.g.1: 犬马之劳(4, 28)
  Jenner’s: to accept one’s humble services(4, 79)   This idiom stems form the History of Han Dynasty, which means “to work for the monarch as dogs and horses”. There is no such schema in Western countries. Jenner paraphrases the idiom to activate target readers schemata.
  e.g.1: 班门弄斧(64, 639)
  Jenner’s: A beginner tries to show off in front of experts.(64, 1464)
  “班门弄斧” is an allusion in China. Jenner here chooses to freely translate the term in order to express its connotation instead of its literal meaning.
  3. Conclusion
  From the above analyses, we can see that the translators tries to adopt different translation strategies in different cultural schemata, which can better help readers activate and adjust their cultural schemata to understand the idioms. It implies that the translators should seize the cultural differences between the source text and the target readers when they do the translation. Then they should use appropriate translation strategies based on differences of cultural schemata so that they can set up a bridge to narrow the cultural gaps between the author and the readers.
  [1]Bartlett,F.C.Remembering:A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology.Cambridge,England:Cambridge University Press,1932.
  [2]Bassnett,Susan,and André Lefevere.Translation,History and Culture.Abingdon:Taylor
【摘要】阅读教学和写作教学都是初中英语教学中重要的组成部分,对学生的写作能力、阅读能力等进行培养,因此,要提高英语教学的有效性,就需要将二者进行深度融合。本文结合笔者教学实践,探讨了初中英语阅读与写作教学的融合策略。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读与写作教学 深度融合  寫作教学一直是英语教学中的难点,阅读是写作的基础,学生通过阅读可以拓展自己的知识面,学习别人写作中的方法以及技巧,进而对培养和提升学
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【摘要】目前艺术类院校英语成为学科短板,促使我们反思原因,基于对“刻意练习”法则的学习,笔者认为该法则也适用于帮助学生英语语言能力的发展,因此,可以在英语教学中有意识地推行“刻意练习”法则的理念,推动学生进行“有目的的练习”,从而提高英语学习的效果。  【关键词】刻意练习 有目的练习 反馈 舒适区  引言  在笔者任教的艺术类院校中,英语一直是学生们最不擅长的学科。而事实上,入校之前学生基本上已经
【摘要】有效课堂的创建是新课改下,值得探讨的话题。笔者认为,有效课堂的创建,关键在于注重“时效”。文章针对高中英语教学中的“时效性”的问题,谈谈几点看法和思考,探讨高中英语教学注重时效性,打造有效课堂的几点体会。  【关键词】高中英语 有效教学 时效性 主要策略  英语课堂有效教学的问题探讨,一直是我们探讨的主题,也一直被每一个教师所高度重视。多年的高中英语教学实践,低效、无效使我们广大师生头疼,
【摘 要】学生发展核心素养需要校本化的表达与转化。课堂是落实发展学生核心素养的主阵地,我们从重塑教与学的关系入手,明晰教与学的理念,通过重构课堂教学模式来实践探索发展学生的核心素养。  【关键词】学生核心素养;教与学;教学模式  【中图分类号】G622.3 【文献标志码】B 【文章编号】1005-6009(2018)42-0039-03  【作者简介】1.许小红,江苏省常州市武进区横山桥中心小学(
恒守:从教育应然走向教育实然    万变不离其宗。流派纷呈的写字艺术虽风格各异、多姿多彩。但其笔画、布白、章法等基本法则却是亘古不变的。掌握基本法则,练实基本功,然后集百家之长,方能自成一体,独创风格。时至今日,学校教育呈现出众多的流派,并建立了各自的理论与实践体系。但教育的根本目标和基本规律没有变化。守住教育基本规律,守住教育基本规范。守住了教育底线,才有真正的教育,才有个性化学校教育的可能。 
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【摘要】商务合同是一种广泛与产品的销售以及技术合作、转让等方面的事务性文件,其词汇特点表现为对古代词和外来词的使用以及对正式词语和法律词语的使用。该类型词语的使用或使得合同显得典雅、正式、严谨、准确,或使得合同的实际应用更加广泛,解决了合同使用过程中较多的阻碍性问题。本文针对英语商务合同的词汇构成和翻译的相关原则对英语合同的用语进行了探讨。  【关键词】英语商务合同 词汇 语言特点  引言  合同
【摘要】随着英语在社会上应用率的逐渐提高,大学英语教学的重要性也逐步凸显。为了保证大学英语教学成果与行业英语需求相匹配,提升学生的综合竞争力,大学也应开展英语教学改革,逐步完善英语课程建设,满足学生日后工作和生活的需要。  【关键词】行业英语 大学英语 课堂教学  随着全球化趋势的快速发展,英语在各个行业中的应用也更加广泛深入,大学英语教学涉及认知心理学、语料库理论、文体学、句法学、词汇学、第二语