Protection of the Environment

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chentao_00
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  Nowadays, environmental problems are so common and are so big that not just for individual country or individual person to address. That’s to say, we have already reached the time that environmental problems could only be solved from the international view. In recent years, several nations have become more and more aware of these serious issues that are faced by every nation, such as air pollution, water pollution and resource shortage issues, which are so huge that need international cooperation.
  As we all know, the situation of the environment around us is getting worse and worse, which could be found everywhere. First of all, the water is polluted by acid rain and household waste, including the underground water. Meanwhile, air pollution is worse. We can only live under the haze and never enjoy the clear sky. It’s estimated that haze and smog would extremely do harm to our health for there are many hazardous substances in the smog. If we never think about the protection of our homeland and continue to hurt her, human life on earth will no longer survive.
  We see that if we still waste all the resources, there’s would be no energy for us in the coming years. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers, trees are getting cut and resources are wasted to a great extent. We know that the earth is so crowed, however, the population is still increasing. In the coming few years, there won’t be enough food for human beings. Therefore, it’s the time for us to make some changes.
  First of all, the problem of “white pollution” caused by plastic is quite serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. Here in China, there are nearly three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which leads to a great waste of resources and serious environmental problems. Fortunately, the government has published a ban on the use of plastic bags, which requires that all the shopping malls and supermarkets should not provides customers with free plastic bags. I agree with that for people won’t get free bags so that people possibly will use cloth bags and baskets. It’s an environmental-friendly measure.
  In addition, we have to talk about water and air pollution. In 21st century, a new term came into being, low carbon, which contains the hope of all mankind. However, recently melting glaciers and rising sea levels are all due to carbon. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit of the greenhouse effect. The earth surrounded by carbon dioxide is like a greenhouse with rising temperatures. In this way, the glacial continents of the Antarctic and Antarctic begin to melt. When dissolved water is injected into the sea, the sea level will rise, thus, some coastal cities, such as Shanghai and Tokyo, will be inundated. Although sea level rise is irresistible, we must do something to ease the speed of sea level rise.The main source of these problems is energy, and the ultimate solution is to search for new energy sources and depend on them. Although solar energy is recognized as a clean energy for its great potential, there is a lot of carbon emissions in the process of converting solar energy into electric energy. When it comes to better energy, wind and tide energy can be cleaner, but they all have geographical constraints. Therefore, we can just rely on ourselves to make our every effort to explore the ideal energy. Perhaps developing new energy sources, developing new means of transport, and reducing carbon emissions from factories will be the useful ways to eliminate water and air pollution.   By the way, low carbon embodies in water saving, electricity saving, oil saving and gas saving, which are the low carbon lifestyles we advocate and the smallest thing we could do. Things from as big as household appliances, to as small as toys, books and furnishings, will consume resources and energy, which will bring about carbon emissions. Conservative use of each item and unlimited reduction of purchasing new daily necessities will naturally reduce the consumption of resources and energy and reduce carbon emissions. Changing ordinary light bulbs into energy-saving lamps can save electricity.These seemingly casual things are contributing to carbon reduction and achieving low carbon results.
  Nowadays our country has publicly committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, and has decided to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% to 45% by 2020 compared with 2005. The era of low carbon has arrived and is changing our lives.
  The missions are calling us to protect the environment. It’s urgent for us to take some useful measures, however, it needs people from all over the world to work together to curb the behaviors which do harm to our homeland. As part of the same earth, it’s our responsibility from each nation to protect our environment. Only in this way can we figure out effective measures and find back our beautiful living environment.
传统的英语课前活动大多以“值日生报告”的形式展开,形式单一,脱离当堂教学,缺乏有效的评价机制。笔者基于一线教学实践,以人教版九年级英语教学为例,探讨如何有效地开展英语课前活动,并将英语课前活动和当堂课时任务有机结合,让课前活动真正成为教学助力。  一、研究背景  英语课程标准明确要求教师需以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,实现从单纯传授语言知识和技能的教学模式到既传授语言知识与技能,又注重培养综
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入发展,素质教育成为小学英语教学中的主要教学目标,合作学习能够培养学生的团队意识和组织能力,学生在合作学习中学习兴趣会得到提高,使学生积极主动的投入到英语学习中,本文主要研究合作学习在小学英语教学中的应用,以促进小学英语教学更好的开展。  【关键词】合作学习;小学英语;运用  合作学习是课程改革后,学生的主要学习方式,要求教师将学生作为教学主体,并培养学生的学习兴趣。在合
【摘要】教育戏剧是实现全人教育和全科教学的有效途径,由于戏剧与语言有密切联系,越来越多的学者将教育戏剧融入英语教学。本文从学习主体出发,介绍了相关教学实践,并从语言技能和综合素质两方面分析了教育戏剧对英语学习者的影响,得出以结果为导向的英文教育戏剧无法实现语言教学效果最大化的结论,给出尝试将过程性戏剧融入英语教学的建议。  【关键词】教育戏剧;英语教学;语言技能;综合素质;过程性戏剧  【作者简介
【摘要】新课程标准明确了英语语音教学的重要地位,其教学质量的高低对初中生是否能进一步学好英语知识及英语应用能力的高低产生巨大影响。但是,在当前我国很多初中英语教师尚且没有意识到语音教学的基石作用,没有研究出有效的教学方法,导致很多学生语音不过关,从而阻碍了口语能力、听力能力的提高,最终成为了阻碍英语教学效果提升的拦路虎。本文就初中英语语音教学方法,进行了细致的探究。  【关键词】初中英语;语音教学
【Abstract】At first,this paper generally introduces the meaning of food waste. Secondly, it briefly analyzes the problems of food waste disposal in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. At last, to solve
【摘要】本文分析了基于微信平台大学英语教学设计的原则,从加强教学内容设计,加强教学进度执行与控制设计,加强教学效果反馈与评价设计三方面分析了基于微信平台的大学英语教学设计策略,对于大学英语教育的创新发展是一种支持。  【关键词】微信平台;大学英语;教学设计;原则;策略  随着微信技术在教育中应用的不断普及,大学教育质量和效果不断提升,大学教育改革不断深入。以微信平台为依托加大大学英语教育改革也是高
【摘要】新媒体时代背景下,为促进高职英语信息化教学的发展,本文从高职英语信息化教学现状入手,从信息化教学应用程度、学生英语基础、教师教学思想和教学能力等方面进行剖析,并在此基础上探究新媒体时代高职英语信息化教学的改革途径,旨在为如何提高高职院校英语教学质量提供一些思路。  【关键词】新媒体时代;高职英语;信息化教学;现状;改革路径  【作者简介】黄先敏(1964.02-),女,汉族,湖南衡山人,柳
【摘要】随着新课改在教育领域的全面推进,教育人员越发重视培养学生的能力。小学阶段是培养学生能力的重要时期,该阶段的学生具有较强的可塑性,教师在教学的过程中有意识的对学生进行培养,可以为学生的学习奠定坚实的基础。视觉素养属于一项基本素养,英语教师在教学的过程中对视觉素养的培养进行渗透,可以使学生的能力逐步提高。本文将对小学英语教学中视觉素养培养的实现途径进行分析。  【关键词】小学英语教育;视觉素养