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齿侧表面损坏往住有三种形式:磨粒磨损、胶合和点蚀。一物体相对另一物体移动时的加速滑动(滑动冲击)总会引起相互作用物体表面的材料加快磨耗,这种现象可由我们日常经验所证实。就是说,在其他条件相同情况下,轮齿相对加速度越大,齿侧表面磨损现象越严重。上述情况与物体滑动表面之间存有润滑油层并没有什么原则上的差别。存在油层并不能消除两物体(两轮齿)之间的摩擦作用及其磨损,而仅仅是使这种现象减轻。油层还是能在较低程度上防止物体(轮齿)的相对加速移动对磨损量的影响。与物体(轮齿)间没有油层时相比较,油层仅能在某种程度上使这种影响有所变化。由于油的粘性及吸附性,油层边界对齿 Tooth surface damage to live in three forms: abrasive wear, gluing and pitting. The accelerated sliding (sliding impact) of an object as it moves relative to another always causes the material on the interacting surfaces to wear faster, as evidenced by our daily experience. That is to say, under the same conditions of other conditions, the greater the relative acceleration of gear teeth, the more serious the flank surface wear phenomenon. There is no difference in principle between the above situation and the lubricant layer present between the sliding surfaces of the objects. The presence of an oil layer does not eliminate the friction between two objects (two teeth) and their wear and tear, but only reduces this phenomenon. The oil layer is also able to prevent, to a lesser extent, the effect of the relative accelerating movement of objects (gear teeth) on the amount of wear. The reservoir can only change this effect to some extent when compared to when there is no reservoir between objects (teeth). Due to the viscosity and adsorbability of the oil, the boundaries of the reservoirs are tooth-like
新世纪中国科技有哪些“第一” 第一辆燃料电池电动汽车2001年7月研制成功。该车最高时速60.6公里,0-40公里加速时间为22.1秒。燃料电池电动汽车演示车的研制成功,填补了国内
近日,美国特种作战司令部已经斥资595万美元订购了18辆增强型后勤保障越野车(ELSORV)。该车还被称为特种侦察、突击、运输系统(SRATS),该车最近已由第101空降 Recently, the
本文对Q_2-5t汽车起重机大梁断裂进行了受力分析探讨,认为大梁断裂的主要原因是汽车起重机在行驶状态中,起重臂钢绳拉得过紧造成的,提出了改进措施。 In this paper, Q 2 -
对国内外无缝钢管热顶头制造技术的研究现状进行了较为全面的论述,探讨了影响无缝钢管热顶头质量及使用寿命的主要因素 The domestic and international hot-head seamless s
在 760-1050℃和780-115 MPa范围内,选择不同温度和应力配合进行了持久拉伸实验,研究了温度和应力的变化对试件断裂寿命的影响以及温度、应力和断裂寿命与共格相特征尺寸(基体相γ水平通道宽度、筏
古语云:一力抵十会,意为力大于会。私却以为,一会抵十力,巧大于刚,为何如此,请容我细细道来。  巧大于刚,意为方法得当,便可以以一敌百,战无不胜。当年逍遥津之战,东吴孙权集十万人马攻城,形势严峻。但张辽夜点八百人马,人定时袭营,冲散阵型,鼓舞士气,破敌军心。以致东吴孩提闻止啼,此乃巧大于刚也。当正面应对毫无胜算时,巧就成了克敌制胜的法宝,兵者,诡道也。孙武更云:兵不厌诈,诚然,无论何时,思索对策才
Fatty acid esters have been prepared by reacting the acid C18 with polyethylene glycols having varying numbers of Oxythylene units (4~88 units) by the direct eS
研究了精炼和热处理工艺对50CrVA钢扭转疲劳性能的影响和单向扭转疲劳的断裂和断口特征。试验结果表明,精炼和调质或正火预处理可提高钢的疲劳性能。 The effects of refinin