单项技术过关才能发展高度自动化系统 CIMT’89中国国际机床展览会观感

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第一届中国国际机床展览会(CIMT’89)今年5月9日至16日在上海展出,展品来自18个国家和地区的400多个厂商,除机床外还包括刀具、量仪、机床附件和软件技术,荟萃了各国机床工业的精华。尤其可喜的是:由我国180余家工厂、研究所组成的中国展览馆,展出了这几年追赶国际先连水平的最新机床科技成果,十分引人注目。这次展览会的主要特点,可简要归纳为:数控技术普及化;车铣融合.立卧兼备,在一机上完成全部加工;提高回转、移动、定位、刀具、进给等的精度;缩短换刀、转位、快速行程等时间;采用交流■服变速电机;图形试切、简化编程:模块化设计,以及FMC、FMS等。为了帮助读者,尤其是未能亲临参观的外地读者领略展览会的盛况,本刊从本期起将陆续发表专文,从各个侧面对这次展览会加以评介和报道。希望读者能从中获得借鉴和启迪。 The first China International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMT’89) on May 9 this year to 16 in Shanghai on display, exhibits from 18 countries and regions, more than 400 companies, in addition to machine tools also include cutting tools, measuring instruments, machine tools Annex and software technology, a blend of the essence of the machine tool industry in various countries. What is particularly gratifying is that the China Exhibition Hall consisting of more than 180 factories and research institutes in China has exhibited the latest achievements in machine tool technology in catching up with the international first class in recent years and is very eye-catching. The main features of this exhibition can be summarized as follows: popularization of numerical control technology; integration of turning and milling, vertical and horizontal, complete machining on one machine; improve the accuracy of turning, moving, positioning, cutting tools and feeding; Knife, indexing, fast travel and other time; the use of AC variable speed motor services; graphic trial cut, simplified programming: modular design, and FMC, FMS and so on. In order to help readers, especially foreign readers who have not come to visit, to enjoy the grand occasion of the exhibition, we will publish an essay one after another from this issue to review and report on the exhibition from all aspects. I hope readers can learn from and inspiration.
·带材表面缺陷自动检测系统 在带材轧制线上,带材速度一般在1500m/min左右,宽度可达2m,要求在线检测出0.8mm大小的带材表面缺陷是相当困难的。1980年,美国钢铁学会组织工作
设身处地 心心相印宜章县太平里学区有离退休教职工30人。过去因种种原因,老教师上访频繁,给学区工作带来了一些困难。去年下期以来,该学区成立领导小组,确定每月23日为老同志接待日
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锗(Ge)纳米锥激光加工技术在微结构硅技术的启发下,美国科学家用激光在锗表面制造了更高精度的纳米锥结构(nanospike)。加工中使用钛宝石激光1.4mJ脉冲照射锗晶片样品表 Ger