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努力把抑制通货膨胀同建立价格调控体系有机结合起来谢广仁一、在抑制通货膨胀中积极探索建立价格调控体系1992年邓小平同志南巡谈话发表后,随着经济体制转轨过程的加快,推进了价格市场化的进程。1992年末,辽宁省零售商品总额中市场调节价的比重已达96.4%... Efforts to curb inflation with the establishment of a price control system organically combined Xie Guangren First, to curb inflation actively explore the establishment of a price control system Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour in 1992 after the speech was published, with the accelerated transition of the economic system to promote the price market The process of change. At the end of 1992, the proportion of market adjustment price of total retail sales in Liaoning Province reached 96.4% ...
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