Allergy-related Evidences in Relation to Serum IgE:Data from the China State Key Laboratory of Respi

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Objective To investigate the serum total IgE(tlgE) and specific IgE(slgE) to common allergens among allergic patients in Guangzhou,China.Methods 7 085 patients were examined for tlgE and slgE to 15 allergens,based on the protocols of reversed enzyme allergosorbent test and the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results 3 758(53.04%) patients tested positive for tlgE,and 4 640(65.49%) for slgE.Der pteronyssinus,Der farinae,eggs,and cow’s milk were the most common allergens leading to higher positive rates of slgE responses.Several peaks of sensitization were:Der pteronyssinus,Der farinae,and Blomia tropicalis at age 10-12;cow’s milk at age below 3;eggs at age 4-6.The mean level and positive rate of tlgE tended to increase in subjects sensitized to more allergens.Sensitization to Der pteronyssinus(OR,1.6;P<0.05),Der farinae(OR,1.5;P<0.05),Blomia tropicalis(OR,1.4;P<0.05),Blattella germanica(OR,1.5;P<0.05),cow’s milk(OR,1.3;P<0.05),and soy beans(OR,2.0;P<0.05) were independently correlated with allergy-related conditions in preliminary diagnosis.Conclusion The major allergens in Guangzhou include Der pteronyssinus,Der farinae,cow’s milk,and eggs.Sensitization to these allergens appears to be predictors of allergy-related disorder. Objective To investigate the serum total IgE (tlgE) and specific IgE (slgE) to common allergens among allergic patients in Guangzhou, China. Methods 7 085 patients were examined for tlgE and slgE to 15 allergens, based on the protocols of the reversed enzyme allergosorbent test and the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results 3 758 (53.04%) patients tested positive for tlgE and 4 640 (65.49%) for slgE.Der pteronyssinus, Der farinae, eggs, and cow’s milk were the most common allergens leading to higher positive rates of slgE responses. Seperal peaks of sensitization were: Der pteronyssinus, Der farinae, and Blomia tropicalis at age 10-12; cow’s milk at age below 3; eggs at age 4-6. The mean level and positive rate of tlgE tended to increase in subjects sensitized to more allergens. Sensitization to Der pteronyssinus (OR, 1.6; P <0.05), Dermisinae (OR, (OR, 1.5; P <0.05), cow’s milk (OR, 1.3; P <0.05) Orrelated with allergy-related conditions in preliminary diagnosis. Confluence The major allergens in Guangzhou include Der pteronyssinus, Der farinae, cow’s milk, and eggs. Sensitization to these allergens appears to be predictors of allergy-related disorders.
摘要:新时期高校学风建设出现一些令人堪忧的问题:学校不重视、教师辅导员素质不高,学生学习动机不纯、学习态度不端、学习行为不稳等。究其原因是对正确价值观的认知和践行存在问题。社会主义核心价值观是指导高校学风建设的思想理论基础,引导广大师生员工认知和践行社会主义核心价值观是高校学风建设强基固本的有效方法。  关键词:社会主义核心价值观;学风建设;思考  党的十八大从国家、社会、个人三个层面对社会主义核
试验表明 ,泵系统瞬变过程中在两处断流处单独注气 ,或在系统末端仅设置升降式拍门 ,或同时进行注气和拍门操作 ,都可削减两处的断流弥合升压 ,但削减压力的幅度及各处断流的
一 前言    二零零五年六月中,承史坦福大学胡佛研究所郭岱君博士告知,该所藏有高宗武的英文手稿,笔者即驱车至胡佛研究所,在郭博士热心协助之下,借出全稿阅读并影印。这部高宗武的英文回忆录完稿于1944年8月31日,正好是1945年年8月15日日本宣布无条件投降的前一年,汪精卫去世前两个多月。  全稿为英文打字副本,存放于已故美国外交官罗伦斯·萨斯伯里(Laurence Salisbury, 189
有专家把关,又有仪器检定,这些年来通过经营流通,张崇檀攒下了不少好东西有的甚至可以说是天漏。不过就算这样,也不是没打眼的时候,这和心态有关,不是仪器和专家能解决的。  从大悲大喜后到荣辱不惊  正式走入了古玩、艺术品行业,张姐的事业也开始红红火火地蓬勃发展起来。起初,藏品的货源主要来自全国各地的拍卖行和古玩市场。这些奇珍异宝经过“双轨制”鉴定后,以“古玩保真交易”的方式再销售给其他客户。偶尔也有一