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1999年8月4日,在江苏某机关担任处长的杨女士出国考察,她返程是乘坐美西北航空公司NW21班机从夏威夷起飞,经停日本东京,再抵达上海浦东国际机场。那天正值盛夏时节,飞机从夏威夷起飞后机舱内送出了阵阵凉风,待飞机进入平稳飞行后,机上空姐开始提供茶水饮料服务。感到肠胃不舒服的杨女士,向机上女乘务员提出要一杯热开水。须臾,面 On August 4, 1999, Ms. Yang, who served as the director of an organ in Jiangsu Province, went abroad for study. Her return trip took off from Hawaii on Northwest Airlines NW21 flight and stopped in Tokyo, Japan, before arriving at Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport. That day coincided with the midsummer season, after the plane took off from Hawaii sent bursts of cool air inside the cabin, until the aircraft entered a smooth flight, flight attendants began to provide tea drinks service. Yang feel uncomfortable stomach, to the flight attendants proposed to be a cup of hot water. Must 臾, face
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如图,是去年全国个人赛出现的一个残局形势。从表面看,红方多子,车双炮围攻将府,气势较盛。现在轮到黑方走子,竟然妙用车炮,抢先入局,着法精采实用。介绍如下: In the pict
我谨代表经合组织(OECD)欢迎所有与会人员、OECD和非OECD国家的代表、私营企业人员、学术界人士和非政府组织的代表参加本次专题研讨会。 On behalf of the Organization fo
如图的残局,取材于实战。红方借先行之利,伺机运用巧妙的战术入局,颇为实用,评介如下(红先): 红方弃兵捉炮,跃马卧槽;现平兵保马,引而不发;持捉炮的先手,伺机寻找突破口。