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  “Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east, they came upon a plain in the Lands of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, ‘come , let us make bricks , and burn them thoroughly’. So the LORD scattered them abroad and from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off the city. Therefore, it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth, and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” (Genesis, Bible;2000: 14)
  When we talk about language, out of question, the first thing appeared in our minds is the words we used in our daily life. The language could promote the communication of each culture and provides inception of creation for mortals. Subsequent to the existence of language, people can communicate and understand each other; further more, with the development of civilization, words became more indispensable and basic.
  As refer to the language acquisition, the first appeared in people’s mind is Chomsky, who contribute a historic theory and also, rushed the constructional linguistics in American. He created a new way to research language and of course, the formation of TG. The quite special thing he described about is the LAD, the innate ability as Language Acquisition Device.
  “The LAD was described as an imaginary‘black box’ existing somewhere in the human brain. The‘black box’ is said to contain principles that are universal to all human languages”.( Dai Weidong; A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English:146). That is to say, there is a pre-existed language ability of the child since he or she was born. The language device is ready to be combined with a specified language.
  Firstly, the life is still a myth since Darwin theory appeared. Actually, some problems cannot be solved even according to his The Aspects of Resource. When others challenged Chomsky and he said the“innate”is everywhere. For instance, human beings has two elbows, two eyes, one mouth, and all these are innate, but not grow up or create later. That is reasonable. He appoints that the cognitive system is more complex and more valuable to study. Therefore, the focus should be in the cognitive system combining with the scientific study of organ---the brain. There is a “machine” inside of the human body and makes people know or learn something after he or she was born. That is the aim of the research of linguistics. Since we know the reason, can people find the way to solve the problem of “atypical language development”, the abnormal ones, such as hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism, stuttering and aphasic, etc. For human is a social and cooperative animal, communication is first and foremost for humans. And Chomsky’s theory is not with the some religious element and it is material.   Secondly, the innate theory is based on some important evidences, but not only with the imagination.
  The child can learn mother tongue easier and faster. Actually, the process to learn native language is not so painful and difficult. Since the kids live the life, they experienced the language, but not only “learn” them.
  No matter what the background or environment the children have, the language level they have only within minor differences.
  This also helps solving the “ logical problem” that wandering in behaviorist view. “ The logic problem means the fact that children come to know more about the structure of their language than they could reasonably be expected to learn from the language samples they hear.” This is key to the inner of the children’s brain.
  The LAD would not functioned by itself; that is to say, the outside environment is the trigger of its work. The speaking community determined the development of LAD .
  From above evidences, as Chomsky said himself, linguistics can be treated as a part of the Psychology, however, that is not to say we would give up to study languages themselves, but to comprehended the truth of the human brain and the essence of human beings. That is also not deny that we can treat linguistics as an independent subject, indeed , the various languages are quite attracting and interesting, and all of them worth of study, the purely study. As a part of the Psychology means it concerns a lot with it in the following reason:It is said that language is the coat of our thinking. Although there are more than 1000 languages (include the tribe languages) in the world, we still eat, sleep and speak. Even the hieroglyphic or symbol language, they conveying meanings, to interpret our minds. To understand the mind is connected with Psychology.
  As people claim more about the differences of vary languages, Chomsky saw clearly about the commonness. I think it is quite precious because he can see the unity of human kind. The LAD combined us together.
  [1]Dai Weidong.He Zhaoxiong.A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002.
【摘要】新课程倡导小组合作学习,探究式学习等多种方法,在英语教学中,可以培养兴趣,优化教法,提高课堂实效。  【关键词】新课程;初中英语;合作学习  【作者简介】丁正俊, 江苏淮安涟水县第四中学。  合作学习是指把学生分成几個小组展开学习的方式。在合作学习时,小组成员具有相同的学习目标,共同的学习任务,学生分工合作,获得更好的学习效果。在初中阶段,在初中英语教学中融入合作学习的方法,对新课改要求下
【摘要】猜词悟义的方法有:运用上下文语言情境和线索;利用学生已有的知识经验;通过相关同义词或反义词;单词的构词法和应用阅读文章中的直观线索等非语言文字信息。教师培养学生猜词悟义该做的事有:选择合适的阅读文章和引导学生自主自觉地应用猜词悟义的方法。  【关键词】猜词悟义;上下文;构词法;非语言文字信息  【作者简介】程华青,南昌市新建区第五中学。  著名语言学家David . Vilkins指出:“
【摘要】立足于学生核心素养的教育是我国教育深化改革的重要成果,如何结合时代精神设计有层次的教学,循序渐进促进学生的发展是教学工作者需要认真思考的问题。本文将高中英语核心素养的内涵、核心素养背景下高中英语课堂有效教学策略两个方面展开探究,希望教育工作者能从中有所启发。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;课堂教学;策略  【作者简介】徐惠丽,福建省云霄元光中学。  一、核心素养的内涵  “核心素养”的概
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展,我国对于人才的需求也在不断的提升。在此情况下,高职院校就需要在教学目的以及教学模式中进行一定的创新改革。在开展高职英语教学的过程中,教师不仅要注重培养学生的学习能力,同时还应该锻炼学生的实践能力以及英语表达能力,以促进学生更好地融入职场,成为国家需要的人才。基于此,本文将对如何在职场环境下开展高职英语教学进行分析。  【关键词】职场环境;高职英语教学;课程建设  【作者
【摘要】结合目前的创新教育和传统应试教育来说,英语阅读教学在初中英语的学习中担负着重要的角色。对中学生英语能力的提升起到重要的作用,阅读在初中英语的学习中作为一项工具来说,就目前的现状来看,教育制度和体系并没有很好地利用它,一些问题还是很明显的。本文就初中英语阅读学习的现状分析相关的问题,并给出相应的应对之策。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读;现状;建議  【作者简介】彭晓魁,江苏淮安涟水县涟西(南)
“Yunnan element” is all on behalf of China’s Yunnan regional image characteristics of the visual elements of the category. Yunnan ethnic minority costumes and temples, residential modeling contains a
【摘要】随着科学技术的不断进步,许多新颖的教学技术层出不穷,我国信息技术也得到了飞跃的发展。其中,“交互式的电子白板”作为新时期的教学工具,已经出现在高中英语课堂之中。这种基于交互式电子白板的教学,为高中英语课堂带来了很多的便利,即方便了教师的引导和教学,也为学生减轻了许多心理负担和学习压力。接下来就从这种电子白板的教学理念出发,对高中英语课堂的教学策略和活化性的引导方法做一些应用分析。  【关键
【摘要】翻转课堂从美国兴起,逐渐席卷全球,因其打破传统教学模式的优势,深受教育工作者的青睐。翻转课堂在提高教学效率、提高教学质量方面作用显著,十分符合我国高校英语教学的需求,在当前教育领域中,优化翻转课堂教学模式在高校英语教学中的应用效果十分重要,本文从翻转课堂教学模式入手,分析当前高校英语教学中应用翻转课堂时存在的问题,探讨优化教学模式应用的具体措施,为我国高校英语教学效率提出借鉴思路。  【关
【摘要】随着改革开放水平的不断提升以及我国经济的不断发展,国际交往日益频繁,在这一时代背景下熟练的掌握和应用英语成为了现阶段高职高专院校学生最基本的任务。职业教育作为培养复合型人才的摇篮应当对英语教学基于高度的重视不断提高学生的英语应用和写作能力,实现学生综合素质的进一步提升。本文系统的阐述了高职高专院校英语教学现状及对策,旨在为学生今后的就业和求职奠定基础。  【关键词】高职高专;英语教学;问题
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断发展与创新,深化课堂教学逐渐成为新课标的实施要求。在职高英语教学中,让学生熟练掌握英语实际应用能力与阅读能力,是教师教学的最终目标和教学意义。根据新课标提出的具体要求,教师在实际教学过程中需要不断创新教学手段,将新的教学理念渗透在英语教学中,提高英语教学质量,最终达到提高学生英语学习效果的目的。本文将会对如何提高职中英语课堂教学效率进行探讨。  【关键词】教学效率;职中;