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当今,辞书出版界正孕育着一场新技术革命,计算机·数据库·辞书编纂出版自动化正在逐步取代传统的手工作坊方式的辞书编纂出版方式,我们科学出版社名词室从20世纪50年代初建立伊始即从事科技辞书的编纂出版工作,早就希望能够采用新技术、新手段来开创辞书编纂出版工作的新局面。我们从1988年开始研究、探索计算机·数据库编纂出版科技辞书的途径和方法。为此,我们去加拿大实地考察了联邦政府国务秘书部翻译署的术语数据库 Today, the dictionary publishing industry is pregnant with a new technological revolution. The automation of compiling and publishing computer, database and dictionaries is gradually replacing the way of traditional manual workshop dictionaries compilation and publication. The nameplate of our science press has been established since the early 1950s That is engaged in the compilation and publication of science and technology dictionaries, long ago hope that we can use new technologies and new means to create a new situation in dictionaries compilation and publication work. We started in 1988 to explore ways and means of compiling and publishing scientific dictionaries in computer and database. To this end, we went to Canada to conduct a field visit to the translation database of the Department of State Secretariat of the Federal Government
80公里全部由沿途66户农户家庭承包负责,不仅提高养护质量,节约了人力、财力,而且在全国首开高速公路家庭养护承包责任制的先河 80 km all the households along the way by
记叙文-Passage1-Once upon a time,a young man was standing in the middle of the town announc-ing that he had the most beautiful heart in the world.A large crowd
火炬树(Rhus typhinal,又名加拿大漆树,也有叫蒲花漆、鹿角漆等名。是漆树科漆树属落叶小乔木。原产北美。五十年代引入我国。因它的果穗呈圆锥形,高高缀立于枝顶,宛如点燃的
兰尼·威尔肯斯,这位亚特兰大鹰队的主教练,如今已成为 NBA 历史上执教获胜场数最多的教练。他执教的方式和他平日生活的方式一样:冷静、圆滑而又充满成功的希望。1995年1月