
来源 :水利水电科技进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bestdzik
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第3届地下水科学与工程学术研讨会拟定于2009年10月30日至11月1日在河海大学举行。本届会议主办单位为中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专业委员会,中国水力发电工程学会地质及勘探专业委员会,江苏省水利学会;承办单位为河海大学。会议主题是地下水与环境。会议议题如下:①人类活? The 3rd Groundwater Science and Engineering Symposium was held at Hohai University from October 30 to November 1, 2009. The organizer of this session is the groundwater science and engineering committee of China Water Conservancy Society, the geological and exploration professional committee of China Hydropower Engineering Society and the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Hydraulic Engineering. The organizer is Hohai University. The theme of the conference is groundwater and the environment. The conference topics are as follows: ① human live?
患者男,50岁.因右大腿根部肿物2个月入院.2个月前感右大腿根部疼痛,发现有一大小约 1.0 cm×1.0 cm的突出皮肤表面的肿物,周围皮肤无红肿,下肢活动不受限,体温正常.自行用锐器刺破肿物见少量液体流出,未经任何治疗,自愈.1周后肿物再次长出,伴红、肿.抗感染治疗肿物未见缩小,继续增长.因其周围皮肤、肌肉麻木不适,下蹲受限,当地医院行超声检查发现"右大腿根部囊性肿物",住入我院.入院查体:右
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