A Study on the Application of TBA in College English Teaching

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  【Abstract】To investigate whether there are some significant differences in English teaching for the two teaching methods (TBA and PPP),An experiment is conducted, which focuses on the effectiveness of task-based classes model and aims at finding out whether the students’ English proficiency can be improved.
  【Key words】Study on application; TBA; College English teaching
  1. The definition and features of TBA
  TBA is a teaching approach that puts tasks at the center of the methodological focus. It considers the learning process as a set of communicative tasks that are directly linked to the curricular goals.
  Nunan (1991)have summarized characteristics of TBA from different aspects.1)An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.2)The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.3)Provision of opportunities for learners to focus not only on language, but also on the learning process itself.4)An enhancement of the learners’ own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.5)An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.
  2. Methodologies
  2.1 Hypothesis
  a. TBA is more effective than the PPP (presentation, practice and production)teaching method in college English teaching.
  b. The application of TBA can improve students’ achievement.
  2.2 Subjects
  The experiment was carried out in two classes of Grade one in Liaoning University of Technology. They were chosen as respectively the experimental group (EG)and the control group (CG). Traditional teaching method —PPP approach is used in the control group and TBA is used in the experimental class.
  2.3 Instruments
  The instrument is language tests. A pre-test and a post-test are provided to find out whether there are any changes in the participants’ achievement after the experiment.
  3. Results of the experiment and analysis
  To provide an objection, scientific and comprehensive analysis, the following two statistical analysis ways were conducted: the ordinary analysis and the z-value analysis (SPSS), which can provide the same result from different perspectives.
  The results were reported in the following table.
  To describe the differences between the two classes more explicitly .Table 1 and Table2 are given as follows:   Table1 exposes that levels in the mean score, the excellence ratio, and the passing rate in EG had significantly increased
  Table1 the comparison of pre-test and post-test in EG
  Group N Mean Score of every part Excellence Passing rate
  Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Total N (%) N (%)
  Pre-test 37 9.1 14 23 12 6.4 64.5 3 8.1% 19 51.4%
  Post-test 37 13 16 25 14 7.9 75.9 8 21.6% 28 75.7%
  Table 2 the comparison of pre-test and post-test in CG
  Group N Mean Score of every part Excellence Passing rate
  Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Total N (%) N (%)
  pre-test 38 9.2 14 23 12 6.7 64.9 4 10.5% 19 50.0%
  Post-test 38 11 15 24 13 6.8 68.8 5 13.2% 22 57.9%
  (12.4point, 13.5%, 24.3% respectively); the results show clearly that that TBA worked well.
  Table2 fully indicates that increased degrees in the mean score, the excellence ratio, and the passing rate in CG were less, so we can say the traditional teaching method applied in CG worked not as well as the TBA in EG.
  By comparison,the above-mentioned results show preliminarily that Task-based language teaching developed the overall English level. The average English achievements in EG is apparently higher than that in CG. In that way, TBA is more effective than the PPP teaching method in vocational college English teaching.
  To further prove the difference between the experimental class and the control class in the two tests, another samples Z-score was conducted. The results were reported in the following tables.
  Table3 the comparison of pre-test and post-test in EG
  Item Group Number Mean S.D Z-score P-value
  Part I Pre-test 37 9.1 1.58 3.42 0.01
  Post-test 37 13 1.26
  Part II Pre-test 37 14 1.86 2.94 0.02
  Post-test 37 16 1.75
  Part III Pre-test 37 23 1.78 3.01 0.02
  Post-test 37 25 1.57
  Part IV Pre-test 37 12 2.01 2.84 0.03
  Post-test 37 14 1.75
  Part V Pre-test 37 6.4 1.22 4.21 0.03
  Post-test 37 7.9 1.11
  Total Pre-test 37 64.5 7.46 3.28 0.024
  Post-test 37 75.9 6.98
  As showed in table 3 , z-value is above 2.58, p<0.05, from which it can be concluded that the difference between the post-test and pre-test in EC is statistically significant. according to z-value and p-value, we can say that difference between the post-test and pre-test in EC is statistically insignificant.
  From the results of the above four tables, two conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1)there is no significant difference between the two groups in pre-test scores. 2)There is significant difference between the two groups in post-test scores. To be specific, the experimental group performs better than the control group in post-test. Therefore it can be concluded that TBA is conducive to improving learners’ English proficiency more effectively than the traditional 3Ps teaching model.
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【摘要】微课作为一种短小精悍、针对性强的授课形式正日益引起国内外教育者的关注。将其应用在大学英语教学的改革中是一种激发非英语专业学生学习英语热情的好方式。《新视野大学英语4读写教程》即是一种被广泛使用的大学英语教材,但是由于其内容设置等方面的原因,该教材并未能很好的激发非英语专业学生的英语学习兴趣。本文以该教材为例论述了如何将微课应用于大学英语的教学改革之中。  【关键词】微课 大学英语教学改革
【摘要】在过去的20年中随着英语语言的发展以及对于语言本质的理解,尤其是对于英语语言本质以及英语教学的理解,人民教育出版社共出版了四种版本的初中英语教科书,编写教科书所依据的理论主要包括结构主义理论,功能主义理论以及互动理论。本论文主要探讨了基于结构主义理论的教材设计并分析了其优缺点。  【关键词】结构主义 教材设计 英语教学 初中英语  一、引言  在当代语言学基础之上,主要有三种关于什么是语言