Learning to Ride学骑自行车

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyan19821021
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  “Do you want to come riding with us in the park this Saturday?” Eric asked. He and Dave were great at riding bikes.
  “Of course!” Pete replied. Pete smiled at his friends Eric and Dave, but inside his stomach twisted1 into a knot2. He didn’t even know how to ride, but how could he tell his friends that? It was embarrassing.
  When he went home that night, he got out his bike. Even though he couldn’t ride, he had a bike. His parents had bought it for his birthday a few months back. When he’d first gotten it, he’d been excited and had tried to learn. After a day or two and a scraped3 knee, he’d given up. His mother smiled now to see him trying again, but he just gave her an angry look. It was embarrassing to not be able to ride a bike!
  So Pete walked his bike across the street to the parking lot and tried to ride again. It was hard to keep from falling when he first started. He liked to keep both feet on the ground and just push himself along, because whenever he tried to push the pedals4, he fell over. After half an hour of trying, he still couldn’t ride, and his legs hurt. He’d scraped his elbow5, too!He didn’t know what he was going to do.
  “It’ll be alright, dear. You’ll get it. Just keep trying,” his mother said. She was trying to be understanding, but it just made Pete angrier. He felt helpless. Even babies could ride bikes, right?
  The next day at school, Eric and Dave sat with him at lunch. “Are you ready for the big bike trip on Saturday?” Dave asked.
  “Oh, that,” Pete said sadly. He chewed6 his lunch and didn’t want to say anything. It was hard to swallow7 his food, let alone his pride. How could he admit8 to his best friends that he couldn’t ride a bike?
  “What’s wrong?” Eric asked. He looked concerned9. “Are you busy this Saturday?”
  “No. It’s just...” Here it goes, Pete thought. They’re going to laugh at me if I tell them.
  “You can’t ride a bike.” Dave said.
  Pete opened his mouth. He almost lied and said he could, but he didn’t like to lie to his friends. “No. I can’t.”
  “We know already,” Eric said. “Why do you think we invited you?”
  “Really?” Pete looked puzzled. “Why would you invite me if I can’t ride a bike?”
  Eric was surprised that Pete would even ask. “You’ve got the coolest bike in school, and we’re friends. We want to see you ride it. We’re going to help you learn!”
  Pete couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Wow! That’s great. I thought you were going to make fun of me.”   Dave shook his head. “We’re your friends. Why would we do that?”
  “I don’t know,” Pete shrugged10. “I guess I was just too proud to ask for help.”
  That Saturday, Pete finally learned to ride his bike. He also learned a little something about humility11 and asking for help.
  1. twist [■] v. 使弯曲;拧 2. knot [■] n. (绳等的)结
  3. scrape [■] v. 擦伤 4. pedal [■] n. (车辆,乐器的)踏板
  5. elbow [■] n. 肘部 6. chew [■] v. 咀嚼
  7. swallow [■] v. 吞下;咽下 8. admit [■] v. 承认
  9. concerned [■] adj. 有关的;关心的 10. shrug [■] v. 耸肩,耸肩表示
  11. humility [■] n. 谦卑,谦逊
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