来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gordonbest
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Perinatal medicine, known also as maternal and fetal medicine, is a new branch of medicine with only a history of 30 years. China has started the perinatal medicine since 1979. The 1st Session of Pan-China Meeting of Perinatal Medicine was held in Shanghai in 1981. In 1983, experts from 8 European countries discussed the development and popularization of perinatal medicine and surveillance technology with the Chinese scholars in Euro-China Consultation on Perinatal Surveillance in Beijing, as jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Health of Chinese Government and WHO-EURO. In the following years, 3 training centers were installed in Shanghai, Wuhan and Harbin by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and the Ministry of Health. China. Series of courses on perinatal surveillance technology were given yearly for 7 years to about 1 000 participants from all the leading universities and municipal hospitals in all provinces of China, with subsequent rapid propagation of technology all over Ch Perinatal medicine, known also as maternal and fetal medicine, is a new branch of medicine with only a history of 30 years. China has started the perinatal medicine since 1979. The 1st Session of Pan-China Meeting of Perinatal Medicine was held in Shanghai in 1981. In 1983, experts from 8 European countries discussed the development and popularization of perinatal medicine and surveillance technology with the Chinese scholars in Euro-China Consultation on Perinatal Surveillance in Beijing, as jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Health of Chinese Government and WHO- EURO. In the following years, 3 training centers were installed in Shanghai, Wuhan and Harbin by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and the Ministry of Health. China. Series of courses on perinatal surveillance technology were given yearly for 7 years to about 1 000 participants from all the leading universities and municipal hospitals in all provinces of China, with subsequent rapid propagation of tec hnology all over Ch
近年来认为冠心病的发生与遗传有关,为此,我们对50例冠心病患者的428个家属进行了调查,与一组非冠心病的家属进行对比,并结合文献进行讨论。 In recent years, the occurre
内分泌性突眼常和甲亢症同时发生,但它可以先于或继甲亢之后发生,也可以只有甲亢而无突眼,或仅有内分泌性突眼而无甲亢——甲状腺机能正常的Graves’病(EuthyroidGraves’ D
一场每日黄昏时照例举行的祭拜活动刚刚在名叫挖色的村庄里落幕,大门外的洱海每日也照例迎接着来自各地的海量游客, 旅游开发的脚步和固守传统的信念一直在这片土地上角力。