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2003年9月22日至10月3日,国际民航组织在加拿大蒙特利尔召开了全球航行领域有史以来规模最大的一次盛会——第11次航行会议。民航总局刘绍勇副局长率领由中国内地和香港特区政府民航处18人组成的中国民航代表团以庞大的阵容出席了会议。此次会议取得的重大成果是通过了国际民航组织全球空中交通管理运行概念,确立了到2025年全球空中交通管理发展的战略目标。该运行概念的建立是国际航空史上一个里程碑式的飞跃,将进一步推动空中交通管理系统朝着全球一体化的方向发展,对各国空中交通管理今后20年的建设和发展将产生重大而深远的影响,特别将使航空发展中国家现行的空中交通管理理念、体制和运行机制面临巨大挑战。在未来20年里,我国民用航空运输量将以每年平均10%的速度增长,从而对空中交通管理提出了更高的要求。在全球空中交通管理一体化和航空运输量快速增长的形势下,目前我国在空中交通管理体制、运行机制和技术应用等方面存在的诸多问题若得不到解决,将可能成为阻碍我国航空运输持续、快速和健康发展的瓶颈。当前,民航总局提出了在本世纪的头20年实现从民航大国向民航强国历史性跨越的奋斗目标,我国空中交通管理界必须密切关注国际空管动态的发展,认真学习并吸收新理论和新概念,应用新技术,按照全球空中交通管理运行概念要求,结合我国空管的中长期发展规划,尽快研究制定出积极有效的应对策略和解决方案,努力使我国空管的整体水平早日接近或达到国际先进水平。 From September 22 to October 3, 2003, ICAO held its 11th voyage in Montreal, Canada, the largest ever event in the world in navigation. Deputy Director General Liu Shao Yong of CAAC led a civil aviation delegation consisting of 18 people from the Civil Aviation Department of the Mainland of China and the HKSAR Government to attend the meeting with a huge lineup. The major achievement of this meeting was the adoption of the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept and the establishment of a strategic goal of global air traffic management by 2025. The establishment of this operational concept is a milestone in the history of international aviation and will further promote the development of the ATM system in the direction of global integration. It will have a profound and far-reaching impact on the construction and development of air traffic management in various countries over the next two decades , In particular, will pose a great challenge to the current ATM air traffic management philosophy, system and operating mechanism in developing countries. In the next 20 years, the volume of civil air traffic in our country will increase at an average annual rate of 10%, putting a higher demand on air traffic management. Under the situation of the integration of air traffic management and the rapid growth of air traffic in the world, many problems that China’s air traffic management system, operation mechanism and technology application have not solved will possibly hinder our air transport from continuing , The bottleneck of rapid and healthy development. At present, the Civil Aviation Administration has put forward the goal of striving for a historic leap from a big civil aviation nation to a civil aviation power in the first two decades of this century. Our air traffic management community must pay close attention to the development of the international air traffic control dynamics, earnestly study and absorb new theories and new Concept and application of new technologies in accordance with the requirements of the concept of global air traffic management operations and the medium and long-term development plan for China’s air traffic control as soon as possible to formulate active and effective coping strategies and solutions so as to bring the overall level of China’s air traffic control as close as possible or achieve as soon as possible International advanced level.
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