
来源 :共产党员 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulala
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我1922年出生于陕西乾县梁村镇,父母都是农民。1938年,我考入省立邠州师范学校。师范学生投身黄埔日本侵略者发动全面侵华战争后,老师们带队,我们走上街头巷尾游行,高呼“停止内战,团结工农,一致对外”的口号,高唱《松花江上》《上前线》《义勇军进行曲》。大家群情激昂,我也有了参军报国的想法。1940年年初,我在报纸上看到黄埔军校第七分校招生,便要去投考。范校长不同意,说我还没毕业;家里亲戚也不同意,因为我是独子,当时农村的观念,独子要是没了就相当于绝后了。但是我一定要去,校长和教史地的文老师都被我感动了。校长还说,我要是考上走 I was born in 1922 in Liangcun Town, Qian County, Shaanxi Province. Both parents are peasants. In 1938, I was admitted to the provincial Danzhou normal school. Normal students join Huangpu Japanese aggressors launched an all-out war on China, led by teachers, we took to the streets and parades, shouting “Stop the civil war, unite workers and peasants, unanimously foreign” slogan, singing “on the Songhua River” Frontline “” March of the Volunteers ". We are passionate, I also have the idea of ​​joining the army to serve the country. At the beginning of 1940, when I saw the newspaper enrollment of the Seventh Branch of Whampoa Military Academy, I went to take the exam. President Fan disagreed, saying that I had not graduated; my relatives in the family did not agree because I was the only son of the child. At that time, the concept of the rural areas was the equivalent of eliminating the only child. But I must go, the principal and text teacher to teach history were touched me. The principal also said that if I went to the exams
1893年10月25日夜里,一个西班牙籍的士兵在菲律宾总督府门前站岗时,突然神志不清昏睡过去。次日清晨,当他醒来时,发现自己在墨西哥的政 On the night of October 25, 1893,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。红桥区红桥小学成为孕育现代人才的摇篮 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view pro
路易士(C.S.Lewis)的小说《天渊之别》(The Great Divorce,MacMillan Publishing Co.,Inc.,New York,1945)是一部奇特的作品。不仅在于它的创意、想像、意象营造和语言表达上
在云南腾冲的来凤山下,在气势雄浑的叠水河边,长眠着抗日远征军的八千英灵。这,就是建于祖国西南“极边第一城”腾冲的国殇墓园。 腾冲国殇墓园始建于1945年,是第二次世界大战期间,在中国远征军收复滇西、策应密支那抗日作战取得胜利之后,为纪念攻克腾冲的第二十集团军阵亡将士而修建的烈士陵园,也是全国建立最早、规模最宏大的国军抗日烈士陵园。  腾冲可不是一般的小城,它积满了沉甸甸的历史。当年那些温润的翡翠,
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