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2001年是国民经济发展面临诸多重大战略性转折之年。转折之一:从供给扩张转变为需求拉动 2001年,我们必须完成的首要转折是国民经济的增长从依靠供给扩张转变为依靠需求拉动。刚刚结束的中央经济工作会议指出,2001年仍要坚持扩大内需的战略方针。 扩大内需上升为战略,这意味着我国短期宏观调控政策所依据的基本形势判断已经发生了重大变化。事实上,我国经济发展的主要障碍已经从供给领域转移到了需求领域,供大于求已经成为供求格局的常态。要实现国民经济到2010年时比2000年再翻一番的战略目标,基本支持因素要 2001 is the year when many major strategic transitions are facing the development of the national economy. One of the turning points: from supply expansion to demand pull In 2001, the first turning point we must complete was the growth of the national economy from reliance on supply expansion to demand-driven expansion. The just-concluded meeting of the Central Economic Work pointed out that in 2001 we still need to adhere to the strategic principle of expanding domestic demand. The expansion of domestic demand as a strategy means that the basic situation judgments on which China’s short-term macro-control policies are based have undergone major changes. In fact, the major obstacle to China’s economic development has shifted from the supply area to the demand area. Supply exceeding demand has become the normal pattern of supply and demand. To achieve the strategic goal of doubling the national economy by 2010 from 2000, the basic support factor
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