Feature Construction and Identification of Convective Wind from Doppler Radar Data

来源 :气象学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobei871011
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Convective wind is one of the common types of severe convective weather. Identification and Forecasting of con- vective wind are essential. In this paper, five kinds of features are firstly constructed from characteristics of typical convective wind-related echo phenomena based on Doppler radar data. The features include storm motion, high-value reflectivity, high-value velocity, velocity shear, and velocity texture. A severe convective wind (SCW) identification model is then built by applying the above features to the random forest model. With convective wind samples collec- ted over 13 cities of China in June–August 2016, it is found that the probability of detection (POD) of SCW is 78.9%, the false alarm ratio (FAR) is 26.4%, and the critical success index (CSI) is 61.5%. For the convective wind samples that carry typical echo features, the POD, FAR, and CSI range from 89.4% to 99.3%, 4.2% to 16.0%, and 76.4% to 95.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the POD and negative-case POD of samples without typical echo features are 66.8% and 85.4%, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the SCW identification model can classify non- SCW effectively, and performs better with SCW samples carrying typical echo features than without.
刚刚过去的2021年,全球气象界的一个热点,是以“机器学习”(machine learning,ML)和“神经网络”(neural network,NN)等为代表的AI技术,从几年前有“炒作”嫌疑和爆炸式的登场,到开始入驻气象研究和业务各领域并产生效果和积极影响的过渡年.伴随这样的过渡,“trustworthy”一词被很多学者加在AI之前,组成“可信的AI”.强调AI技术可信,既与AI技术本身的神奇有关,还是现代气象科学本身“物理求真”的传统使然.
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