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  摘 要:Abstract:Evaluation of green factory management innovation is an important means to ensure the environmental quality and living standard. Most of the literatures on green factory evaluation are mainly survey report or qualitative analysis, with few practical quantitative evaluation systems to evaluate the green factory management innovation. Firstly, this paper put forward a comprehensive evaluation index system of green management innovation based on the analysis of the standard measure of green evaluation provided by the government. Secondly, based on the theory of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, this paper put forward a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for green management innovation (FCMGMI). The FCE result shows this green factory management innovation to be above average. Meaning, the company green building is quite reasonable and positive though the need for more development and improvement exist.
  關键词:Keywords: Green management innovation;fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;evaluating indicator
  Green manufacturing is an important means to solve national resource and environmental problems, an important task to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading, an effective way for the industry to achieve green development, and an inevitable choice for enterprises to take the initiative to undertake social responsibility.
  Since the late 20th Century, China has been experiencing rapid economic growth with its building sector and energy usage also grown rapidly. In 2010 China built as much housing as the total housing space of Spain or roughly four times the total housing space in Sweden in just one year (Y. Liu, 2012). The building sector accounted for 30% of China’s total energy consumption (Y. Liu, 2012). As urbanization continues, sustainable construction has been widely accepted in the construction industry. Nowadays, People are living in the world of cement concrete; means cement is needed just like water and air. The current floor area in China is around one billion m2 per year, predominantly added in urban areas where per capita energy use is 3.5 times higher than in the countryside (Y. Liu, 2012). Cement industries generated a lot of dust, emission large amount of harmful gas, which are have serious effect on human health and resulted to global warming and to climate change. In order to minimize this environmental effect therefore, the state is vigorously pursuing a green factory strategy for cement plants. Thus under the impetus of the central environmental protection inspectors, some provincial government have successively shut down many “small, scattered, chaotic and dirty” enterprises that do not meet the standards and seriously pollute the environment.   Hebei Province is a major cement-producing province. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 568 cement plants in Hebei Province. However, most of these cement plants do not meet the requirement of pollution emission index. To cope with this accelerating stress on climate, nature, society and human health caused by these cement plants, Hebei Provincial Government pays special attention to the green factory system, and in September, 2018, issued relevant documents to clearly indicate the cement industry air pollutant discharge standards, so that each factory must abide by the law to continue its productivity. According to our preliminary investigation, apart from Hebei Jinyu Dingxin Cement Co., Ltd in the province, which is one among the first batch of green manufacturing demonstration list in China, and very good at green, with all the factory system implemented, that all the remaining industries are still undergoing major rectification and starting to green factory standard. On this basis, this research aims to evaluate the innovative management system of Dingxin Company on their innovation measure. That is, among the government given green transformation measure, which innovation standard measure the company prioritize to achieved this dizzy height? We employed the use of fuzzy evaluation model for finding appropriateness. The method was adopted because green building policy is a composition of qualitative and qualitative policy system.
  The aim of this paper is to evaluate the company green management innovation on the scale of government provisional green building standard policy. Evaluating green factories help set the benchmark in the industry and help guides and regulates factories to implement green manufacturing.
  2.1 Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model
  Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is a comprehensive evaluation method based on Fuzzy Mathematics. It includes the following factors: factor set, evaluation set, weight assignment set, and evaluation matrix. According to the basic concept of fuzzy mathematics, the study evaluation terms are define as follows.
  A.Factor set (U): Factor set is a collection of various factors that influence the evaluation object.
  Ui= {U1  ,   U2  ,…….,Um }
  Where Ui  (i=1,2,……,m) is the requirement factors for green factory model
  B.Evaluation set (V): The evaluation set is a collection of evaluation results.   Vi= {V1  ,   V2  ,…….,Vn }
  Where Vj  ( j=1,2,……,n) is the result of model evaluation
  To start with, we divided the green factory evaluation model grade is divided into A, B, C, D and E grade respectively, corresponding to the green factory model grade as best, better, general, bad and worst. Table 3 display the grade of green factory model.
  C.Weight assignment set (A): The weight assignment set is the collection of the proportion of each factor in the evaluation.
  Ai= {a1  ,   a2  ,…….,am }
  Where Ai  (a=1,2,……,m) is the proportion of i factors in green factory model evaluation
  We determine the weights of the model using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The basic idea is to determine the relative importance through pairwise comparison after constructing a hierarchy which is expressed by quantification, then to establish judgment matrix and the relative weights in every layer with mathematical method from the highest level to the level below, and finally to gain the weights in target layer. Fig. 1 depicts the structure of the research model.
  Fig. 1 Research Model structure
  This study consider Hebei Jinyu Dingxin cement Co., Ltd as its case study, and determine to evaluate its best green innovative management practice using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, with help of that uses analytic hierarchy process to determine their weight. Specific steps taken are:
  3.1 Data Source
  According to the Hebei Jinyu Dingxi Cement Ltd evaluation index system, the main content of the research questionnaire is the green building innovation management practices to the evaluation index, and the grade option is set to be strongly agree, Neutral, disagree, strongly disagree which is based on the Likert five scale. 500 questionnaires are distributed, 218 was retrieved, after sorting out, we ended up with 175 valid questionnaires, and gathered data is depicted in Table 1.
  Table 1. The survey data of construction evaluation
  3.2 Determination the Index weight
  Based on the expert investigation method, the pairwise comparison matrixes are display below. In addition, the weight of each index is depicted in table 2
  Table 2 Jinyu Dingxi Cement Ltd Evaluation Index weight of Green innovation
  3.3 Fuzzy Comprehensive evaluation
  The evaluation indexes are B1, B2, B3, evaluation Indexes are U1, U2, U9, and comment set V contents strongly agree, agree, Neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Let the membership degree rij r be the ratio of the number of factor Ui to comment Vj to the total number of people participating in the survey, then the fuzzy evaluation matrixes can be structured as follows:   The weight of U1, U2, U3 relative to B1:
  The weight of U4, U5, relative to B2:
  The weight of U6, U7, U8, and U9 relative to B2:
  The weight of ‘U’ relative to A:
  A fuzzy evaluation contains two parts: (i) The target hierarchy and (ii) the rule hierarchy of the fuzzy set. The fuzzy evaluation matrix can be structure as:
  Calculated as:
  Let                , the fuzzy sets of target hierarchy calculated as:
  Therefore; based on the five-likert scales, the result of the five-selected answer is evaluated in the table 3.
  Table3: the grade of Green factory model
  Order Best Good Average Bad Worst
  Points 5 4 3 2 1
  The evaluation result are calculated:
  For clarity, we summarized the result in Table 5.
  Table 4: Comprehensive evaluation of Dingxin Green Management Innovation
  Based on the evaluation result, the comprehensive evaluation value E for Jinyu Dingxi Cement Ltd is 3.41. According to evaluation standard, this green management innovation evaluation is above average, meaning the company green building is quite reasonable and positive though the need for more development and improvement exist.
  The green factory innovation evaluation values are, E1 =3.138, E2 =3.431, and E3 =3.545 respectively. Management Innovation value (E) is the best, which shows it is the most obvious worth and contribution to comprehensive evaluation of this green building innovation. Based on the four indexes, company management system played an important part in this wonderful transformation.
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摘 要:安全是牵系企业生产的中枢神经,是企业持续、健康、和谐、稳定发展的根本保证。随着企业的发展进步,如何创新安全管理的内容和形式,如何提升员工工作效率和服务质量,打造和谐团队,推动企业安全精细化管理,应是企业当前必须着手解决的大事、要事。基于此,本文通过以开展“人防”和“技防”为主的安全生产管理工作,有效防范安全生产事故的发生。  关键词:人防;技防;岗位责任制  安全是牵系企业生产的中枢神经,
摘 要:随着互联网技术在我国快速发展,信息化逐渐成为当下社会中的主要发展趋势。因此在社会各个领域中“互联网+”的发展模式都逐渐得到运用,顺势而安乘势而起,在时代的洪流中没有谁能独善其身。所以在现代化企业发展过程中计算机信息化管理模式已经成为了企业发展中的主流,在提升企业管理效率、获取信息便捷化程度方面都具有巨大优势。因此本文主要对企业现代计算机信息化管理中网络技术的应用进行讨论和分析。  关键词:
摘 要:近些年来,社会市场经济快速发展,国家为促进企业发展,出台营改增政策。对于企业而言,营改增政策的实施,是一把双刃剑,一方面有助于降低了重复纳税的几率,提高了企业经济效益;另一方面增加了企业管理难度等。本文围绕企业财务会计展开分析,在具体分析营改增对企业财务会计影响的基础上,探讨了企业应对良策,旨在推动企业持续发展。  关键词:营改增;企业财务会计;影响;对策  营改增政策的实施,基于国家角度
摘 要:酒店是为广大顾客提供暂住、短时休息或睡眠的场所,酒店管理人员在借鉴外国酒店的发展优点、结合自身发展优点基础上,加强对我国酒店产业的发展和改革。此外,一批高素质费管理人员队伍是推动酒店长远发展的前提和基础。因而,当前诸多高校都十分重视对酒店管理专业人才的培养,要求教师在教育的各个环节都要注重创新,让学生的综合素质得以全面的提升。高校及教师培养学生目的,是更好的满足用人单位的要求、适应工作环境
摘 要:随着市场竞争环境愈发激烈,各个行业领域更加重视管理学方法。思想政治教育也应主动拓展视野,采用管理学方法创新政治体制和机制。管理学以追求最大化经济效益为目标,思想政治教育中也应借鉴该思想,积极创新思想道路,有效利用管理学方法。本文从现实出发,首先分析管理学方法在思想政治教育中的重要性,然后具体讨论管理学方法在思想政治教育中的应用,希望具有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。  关键词:管理学方法;思想
摘 要:权力是一把双刃剑。如果给公职人员的权力不够,他们就不能履行自己的义务。如果公职人员权力过大,就可能出现滥用职权。为了保证公职人员科学合理地使用公共权力,纪检部门需要从制度建设的角度,改善我国当前的纪检监察环境,综合运用各种法律手段,争取人民群众的配合,监督公职人员的权力行使。  关键词:制度;纪检监察工作;问题;对策  导言:在当前的社会背景下,要充分考虑纪检面临的基本问题,健全纪检监察机
摘 要:随着十九大报告中乡村振兴战略的提出,美丽乡村规划成为城乡规划设计中的重点。这是一项庞大而复杂的工程,但一旦建设好也必将产生长期而深远的意义。美丽乡村规划,不仅需要有一套科学、完整的规划体系,更需要结合当地的具体情况提出合理、有效的措施。本文就乡村振兴战略下如何科学、有效地规划美丽乡村这一问题进行了详细探究,希望可以为乡村建设者提供适当的参考。  关键词:城乡规划;乡村振兴;美丽乡村  党的
摘 要:高校实验室是培养优秀人才和学校科研和管理水平的重要体现,担负着高校教学和科研双重任务。良好的实验室管理是实验室基本功能正常运行的有力保障和支撑。本文就经管类实验室管理中所存在的问题进行了分析,并对所存在的问题给了一些解决措施和建议。  关键词:实验室;上机教学;制度管理  国家推进“双一流”建设后,实验室在教学中的作用更加突显,随着科技的发展,计算机越来越普及,大量需要上机的实验课程也加入
摘 要:林业资源在维持自然生态环境平衡、促进社会经济发展、满足群众生活需求方面发挥了十分积极的作用。育苗栽培管理是开发和利用林业资源的重要前提,为了更好地实现我国林业资源的可持续发展,必须加强对育苗栽培的相关研究工作。本文主要通过分析林业育苗栽培技术的基础,进而对林业育苗栽培管理进行探讨,希望可以促进林业资源的可持续发展。  关键词:现代林业;育苗栽培;管理技术;探讨  就目前我国林业育苗栽培领域
引 言:  随着现代科技的发展,我国正在逐步步入大数据时代,互联网也已经成为了多数人生活的主体,在这样的社会背景下,互联网金融应运而生。当前,我国互联网金融正依托着新科技发展地如火如荼,它的存在使得金融在模式及业务领域有了新发展。越来越多的人开始使用网络在线金融类软件。那蓬勃发展的互联网金融又能否为我们传统的商业银行指引新的發展方向呢?  一、当前的互联网金融  1.1 互联网金融的基本信息  1