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发展我国通信事业,首先要解决电话通信问题。话机普及率是衡量一个国家通信事业发达程度的标志之一。在现代电信业务中,90%以上是电话业务,并且正在从单一业务的通信网发展成综合业务通信网。抓电话通信,将会促进交谈型信息系统、综合通信系统和记录复制型信息系统的发展。我国电话通信尚处在初期发展阶段,普及率低,线路传输容量小,开放业务少,通信网路功能与规模发展满足不了社会和经济发展对信息交换与利用的要求。近十年来,世界话机平均普及率由原来9%提高到12%以上,而我国的话机普及率只达到0.8%,是社会信息化进程的瓶颈问题。解决电话通信问题涉及的事很多,面很广。但根据我国具体情况,我认为可以从三个方面开展工作,给电话通信业务创造一个良好的发展环境。 The development of China’s communications industry, we must first solve the problem of telephone communications. Telephone penetration rate is a measure of the degree of development of a country’s communications business one of the signs. More than 90% of modern telecommunication services are telephone services and are evolving from a single service communication network into an integrated service communication network. Grasp the telephone communication, will promote the development of chat type information system, integrated communication system and record copy type information system. China’s telephone communications is still in its initial stage of development, with low penetration, low transmission capacity of lines and few open services. The development of communication network functions and scale can not meet the requirements of social and economic development for information exchange and utilization. In the past ten years, the average penetration rate of the world’s telephones has risen from 9% to over 12% while the penetration rate of telephones in China has only reached 0.8%, which is the bottleneck of the process of social informationization. There are many things involved in solving the problem of telephone communications. However, according to the specific conditions of our country, I think it is possible to work from three aspects and create a sound development environment for the telephone communications business.
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8月12日  阴  “哧啦——”妈妈把菜倒入油锅时,总会发出这样的声音。  我好奇地想:烧开的油加入水,会怎样呢?菜呢?征得爸妈同意后,我准备做一次实验。  实验开始了,“啪,啪——”我扭开了灶上的开关,火苗轻轻跳动起来,锅热啦,我将约25毫升的花生油轻轻倒进了锅里,小心翼翼地等着。不到5分钟,油娃娃就按耐不住了,像是喝了兴奋剂似的,左蹦右跳起来。我看得眼花缭乱。  “快实验呀!”一旁的妈妈提醒我
一线野战医疗所立足于现有装备条件下,怎样更好地开展 X 线检查工作呢?在老山作战的战伤救治中,我们从1984年4~8月对460名伤员照 X 线片1,195张,其中甲级片占86%;乙级片占13%
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