Effect of E. coli coli on Anti-disease Activities of Scailops: Argopecten irradians

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The effect of acute E. coli challenge on the anti-disease activity of scallops Argopecten irra-dians is examined. The treatments of scallop from which hemolymph samples were taken for study included (1) control scallops, (2) sham-injected scallops, (3) PSW-injected scallops and (4) E. coli-injected scallops. From the beginning, the anti-disease activities of scallops are deter -mined at 12 hr and 24 hr.The concentrations of circulating hemocytes, the total serum protein concentrations and the activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase in the scallops Argopecten irradians are determined.Injection with E. coli results in a significant elevation in the concentration of circulating hemocytes and in the alkaline phosphatase activity and a significant decline in the total serum protein concentration and in the superoxide dismutase activity at 24 hr postchallenge. It shows that metabolism of bay scallop is expedited to adopt the challenge. The effects of acute E. coli challenge on the anti-disease activity of scallops Argopecten irra-dians is examined. The treatments of scallop from which hemolymph samples were taken for study included (1) control scallops, (2) sham-injected scallops, (3) PSW-injected scallops and (4) E. coli-injected scallops. From the beginning, the anti-disease activities of scallops were deter- mined at 12 hr and 24 hr. The concentrations of circulating hemocytes, the total serum protein concentrations and the activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase in the scallops Argopecten irradians are determined in injection with E. coli results in a significant elevation in the concentration of circulating hemocytes and in the alkaline phosphatase activity and a significant decline in the total serum protein concentration and in the superoxide dismutase activity at 24 hr post challenge. It shows that metabolism of bay scallop is expedited to adopt the challenge.
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