
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorawu
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PURPOSE. To investigate the effect of variations in blood glucose level on the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) in patients with type 1 diabetes without r etinopathy. METHODS. Fourteen patients were clamped sequentially and in random o rder at 5 and 15 mM blood glucose for 75 minutes on the same day. mfERG was reco rded in one eye at each level of blood glucose level. RESULTS. Compared to eugly cemia (5 mM), hyperglycemia was associated with an overall decrease in the impli cit times and an increase in the amplitudes of the multifocal ERG. The effect of hyperglycemia on implicit time reached statistical significance for the summed first positive (P1) and second negative component (N2) of the first-order kerne l (P = 0.0020 and 0.0005, respectively) and all components of the second-order kernel (P=0.014, 0.0037, and 0034, respectively). These changes in the mfERG dem onstrated no significant variation in relation to retinal location or long-term blood glucose level. CONCLUSIONS. Steady- state hyperglycemia induced shorter first-and second-order kernel implicit t imes in patients with type 1 diabetes without retinopathy. The effects of hyperg lycemia were not significant with retinal location. These results support the hy pothesis that hyperglycemia accelerates retinal metabolism. PURPOSE. To investigate the effect of variations in blood glucose level on the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) in patients with type 1 diabetes without r etinopathy. METHODS. Fourteen patients were clamped sequentially and in random oder at 5 and 15 mM blood glucose for 75 RESULTS: Compared to an overall decrease in the impli cit times and an increase in the amplitudes of the multifocal ERG. The effect of hyperglycemia on implicit time reached statistical significance for the summed first positive (P1) and second negative component (N2) of the first-order kerne l (P = 0.0020 and 0.0005, respectively) and all components of the second-order kernel (P = 0.014, 0.0037, and 0034, respectively). These changes in the mfERG dem onstrated no significant variation in relation to retinal location or long-term blood glucose level. CONCLUSIONS. Ste ady-state hyperglycemia induced shorter first-and second-order kernel implicit t imes in patients with type 1 diabetes without retinopathy. These effects support hyper pot lycemia not significant with retinal location. These results support the hy pothesis that hyperglycemia accelerates retinal metabolism.
通过对《中图法》第四版“K81传记”若干类目的多重列类方法的分析,结合标引实例,指出应当如何对K811与K812、K82与K820等类目进行规范标引。 Through the analysis of the
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瞧,这也是一款机器人,你觉得它像什么动物?对了,它的原型就是黾蝽。  黾蝽科动物基本上终生生活在水面上,它们体下的拒水性毛和伸开的肢体,令其不会下沉或被水沾湿。这个小机器人就是利用仿生学的原理设计的。它可以浮在水面上,代替人员进入危险、复杂的水域,减少工作危险性和劳动强度。  参赛者:杨皓羽 宁夏回族自治区银川市西夏区回民小学  安永齐 宁夏回族自治区银川市西夏区回民小学
生活是作文的源泉,离开了生活的作文,就如无米之炊,无本之木,无源之水。作文只有与生活紧密结合,才能充满生机。 Life is the source of composition, leaving the composit