The confrontation between old and new images of women in The Great Gatsby

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  Nowadays researches about The Great Gatsby mainly focus on its writing techniques and “the American dream” but rather the feminism in this novel. There are two major female characters in this book, Daisy and Jordan Baker. Daisy is the symbol of women in old society. By contrast, Jordan Baker is the symbol of new era’s women. In this comparison of those two women and from the view of Marxist women-related theory, we can see the differences between Daisy and Jordan Baker. Although they are both from upper class and have something in common in some aspects, but there are obvious differences in them. The image of Jordan Baker is what the Marxist women-related theory advocates and the image of Daisy is what it opposes. At this points we can gain some enlightenment on feminism and the development of females.
  Ⅱ.The Comparison of Daisy And Jordan Baker
  Daisy and Jordan Baker represent different images of women. Daisy is the typical representative of traditional women. Just as Betty Friedan explains in the feminine Mystique“the highest value and the only commitment for women is the fulfillment of their own femininity.” For Daisy, who was born in a wealthy family, her education is traditional, her family education makes her a traditional woman,and her family education reflect the influence of patriarchal culture. As Friedan says “Sex-directed education is both the direct cause and the effect of the feminine mystique.” In the text, Daisy loves Gatsby so much but she has to marry Tom, because her family require her to do that, she doesn’t have rights to decide which man she would like to marry. She cries and says:“Daisy’s change’ her mine!’” but it makes no sense, she finally marries Tom and gives up Gatsby. After marrying Tom, her life is revolved round Tom, she doesn’t have work, all she has to do is being a ideal wife, she totally depends on Tom.
  By contrast, Jordan Baker is more like a man. “She was a slender, small- breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet.” Jordan,whose appearance is not fit for traditional aesthetic, is more like a man ,especially comparing with Daisy. What makes Jordan different from other women in this novel is that she has his own career, she is more independent, what she owns is by her efforts. And she is a professional golfer, in conventional ideas, more man rather than woman choose to be a golfer, but Jordan is different, she does what man does, and she refuse to meet man’s appetite.
【摘要】小学阶段的英语学习当中阅读属于重要的组成部分。英语学科的学习当中应当具备听、说、读、写等方面的能力,阅读属于英语学习当中的重点以及难点。小学阶段学生在词汇以及语句等方面的能力较低,因此影响到了其阅读学习的效率。因此,教师应当不断地创新阅读方式以及方法的教学,为学生学习提供有效的指导以及帮助。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂阅读;多样化教学  【作者简介】权丹,江苏省徐州市青年路小学。  一、应
【摘要】幽默在人际交往中起着十分重要的作用。随着语言学研究的不断深入,越来越多的学者开始从语用学角度对会话中的言语幽默进行研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。本文从互联网上选取了一些经典英语笑话作为分析材料,从语用学角度对笑话中的言语幽默进行解析。  【关键词】语用学;英语笑话;言语幽默  【作者简介】王楠(1981.10-),女,硕士,辽宁中医药大学药学院,讲师,主要研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言。  引
【摘要】在“互联网 ”的背景下,高校英语教学也发生了很多变化和改革,混合式教学方式也因此得到了广泛的关注。大学英语在教学理念和教学手段上都面临着巨大的挑战。如何充分应对“互联网 ”背景,借助互联网和移动技术手段推动大学英语教育教学的发展,提高英语教学的质量和教学效率,是我们当下应该探讨的问题。  【关键词】“互联网 ”背景;高校英语;混合式教学  【作者简介】张慧丽(1979-),女,汉族,河北栾
苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“请记住:成功的欢乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,它可以促进儿童好好学习的愿望。请你注意,无论如何不要使这种内在的力量消失。缺少这种力量,教育上的任何巧妙措施都是无济于事的。”  遵循这一教诲,我在小学英语教学中尝试帮助特殊学生采用“辅导前置”的方式。“辅导前置”是指教师在对教材和“特殊学生”充分了解的基础上,在学习的前一天,用较短的时间,对学生将要产生的困惑问题和学习方法有意进行“引
【摘要】近年来随着我国与欧美国家的经济贸易往来越来越频繁,对于我国的英语教育也提出了新的挑战,同时伴随着素质教育和新课标理念的深入发展,高中英语不仅仅只重视口语表达,同时写作方面的作用越来越凸显,因此对于书面表达的要求和标准也越来越高,书面表达在形式和内容上发生了很大的改变。本文探讨的主要内容就是如何让学生在快乐当中学习英语,提高写作水平,进行高质量的英语教学改革。  【关键词】高中英语写作;技巧
【Abstract】In Home, regarded as one of the modern classics and written in 2008 by Marilynne Robinson, one of the most famous female writers in contemporary American literature, the protagonist Jack is
【摘要】英语是一门语言工具,其主要作用就是进行交流沟通,但是现阶段,英语教学现状不佳,主要表现为哑巴英语,学生只会做题,不会讲,也不会表达,丧失了英语学习的重要意义,无法学以致用。针对此情况,改善哑巴英语情况,创设良好语言环境非常重要,是提高英语教学质量,创设愉快英语学习氛围的关键。本文以高中学校“English Corner”社团活动为例,探究了高中学校“English Corner”社团活动开
【摘要】英语作为一门国际性的语言,对社会各领域的发展都产生了十分重要的影响。尤其是随着经济全球化趋势的不断加剧,一些英语专业的大学生在课程学习中也遇到了更多的问题,比较突出的一点就是难以掌握到英语翻译的基本技巧。  【关键词】大学生;英语翻译;基本技巧  【作者简介】于春怡,山东科技大学。  引言  对于英语专业大学生而言,具备良好的英语翻译能力,其实也是当今社会对大学生英语综合素质的具体要求,当
【Abstract】This essay studies the promotion of high school students’ pragmatic competence by watching English films in class. The purpose of the study is to find out the advantages of English film-teac
【摘要】读后续写作为高考新题型,对于学生的阅读能力、写作能力以及思维能力都提出更高要求。本文结合2017年浙江省高考真题A Vacation with My Mother 的教学设计,探讨教师应当如何立足于英语学科核心素养的发展目标组织教学,帮助学生掌握读后续写这种新型的写作题型。  【关键词】读后续写;核心素养;教学设计  【作者简介】余畅畅,厦门海沧实验中学。  【基金项目】本论文为核心素养导