Application of the Embedded-atom Method to Liquid Binary Cu-Ni Alloys

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fitye228
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A simple analytic embedded-atom model of monoatoms that includes more than nearest neighbours has been extended to study properties of binary liquid Cu-Ni alloys, here the two-body potential between different species of atoms is taken as a function of the two-body potential for the pure metals with a unique form which yields alloy models with the same invariance to electron density transformations as monoatomic models. Faber-Ziman structure factors have been computed by molecular dynamics simulation on the base of this model. The results are in good agreement with experimental data given by Waseda, thus supporting the overall validity of the approach, especially for cross potential of Cu-Ni pair. Further, a detailed description of structure of binary liquid Cu-Ni alloys with different compositions have been performed using pair analysis and bond orientational order method etc., and then the chemical short range order has also been examined to reveal the structural characterization. A simple analytic embedded-atom model of monoatoms that includes more than nearest neighbors has been extended to studying properties of binary liquid Cu-Ni alloys, here the two-body potential between different species of atoms is taken as a function of the two-body potential for the pure metals with a unique form which yields alloy models with the same invariance to electron density transformations as monoatomic models. Faber-Ziman structure factors have been computed by molecular dynamics simulation on the base of this model. The results are in good agreement with experimental data given by Waseda, thus supporting the overall validity of the approach, especially for cross potential of Cu-Ni pair. Further, a detailed description of the structure of binary liquid Cu-Ni alloys with different compositions have been performed using pair analysis and bond orientational order method etc., and then the chemical short range order has also been examined to reveal the structural characterization.
1 伴月亭。  2鲜艳的小花。  清幽古雅文人地  老北京的故事被湮没得太多了。您知道陶然亭周围都有过什么吗?很多的历史胜迹。它的西北曾有龙泉寺,始建年代不详,明正统年间重建,清康熙年间有大学士刻碑称其为“幽人禅客之居”,宣统年间张之洞在此建过别墅,常邀三五同僚在此欢宴,也在这里开着他的诗社。1965年北京军区军乐队用庙当过营房,可后来不知何因,完完整整的一座庙竟被拆得片瓦未留。陶然亭的东南曾有黑
将硒半胱氨酸(SeCysH)甲基化,对硒胱氨酸(SeCys)需还原后再甲基化。它们生成的甲基硒半胱氨酸(CH_3SeCysH)能与溴化氰(CNBr)发生专一性反应,定量生成的硒氰酸甲酯(CH_3SeN)可用气相色谱法(GC)测定。此法简称CNBr-GC法,检测限4×10 ̄(-8)克SeCys,准确度