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一到12月,就进入了美国的圣诞节期(Christmas season),我所在的旧金山湾伯克利市随处可以感受到节日的气氛。学校的礼堂、餐厅等公共场所都挂上了彩灯,立起了圣诞树,桌子上也常摆放有圣诞卡和各种小的礼物。伯克利大学钟楼的大钟也在整点时敲打出不同的圣诞歌曲,将圣诞的佳音传递到城中每个人的耳畔心中。有的晚上,在校园上空还燃放起了烟火,令人的心情也随之缤纷灿烂。电台、电视台播放各种圣诞歌曲与圣诞晚会:有的晚会是以家庭为单位的演出,让普通人有了表现才艺和欢乐的机会。各个教堂更是展开了一系列以音乐为主的庆祝活动。 From January to December, we enter the Christmas season in the United States, and the Berkeley, San Francisco Bay, where I live, feels the atmosphere of the festival. School auditoriums, restaurants and other public places are hung with lanterns, erected a Christmas tree, the table is also often placed Christmas cards and a variety of small gifts. The clock at the Berkeley Clock Tower also knocked out different Christmas songs at the hour, passing the good news of Christmas to everyone in the city. Some evening, in the air over the school also set off a fireworks, the mood also will be colorful. Radio and TV stations play a variety of Christmas songs and Christmas parties: Some evenings are family-based performances that give ordinary people the chance to show off talent and joy. Various churches also launched a series of music-based celebrations.
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