On the Application of Task—based Language Teaching in Junior High School English Classes Xi’an Inter

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fclzlj123
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  【Abstract】Task-based Language Teaching was put forward in 1980s.The present paper aims to make a brief introduction about task-based language teaching approach and investigate the application of task-based language teaching approach in junior high school English classes in order to make it better adapt to the development of English teaching in China.
  【Key words】Task-based language teaching; junior high school; English teaching
  1.The introduction of task-based language teaching
  Task-based language teaching refers to an approach based on the application of tasks as the core unit of instruction in language.The core concept of the task-based language teaching is to associate the language teaching with students’ language application in the daily life.Task is the focus of the classroom activity and the students use the language to complete it for some specific purpose and learning English by doing tasks.
  2.The implementation of task-based language teaching
  Teaching Plan
  Unit 3 Why Do You Like Koalas? (Section A)
  Course objectives:
  1.Know more about some English names of animals.
  2.Express their preferences by using “why do you like pandas?” “Because they are cute,” etc.
  Required materials: Tapes,PPT,pictures
  Step I Warming up.(3 mins)
  Enjoy an English video about koalas to arouse the students’ interest and introduce some basic information about koalas to them.
  Step II Pre-task preparation.(7 mins)
  1)Review the vocabulary items about animals by playing riddle games.
  2)Introduce the new vocabulary items by looking at the pictures.
  Step III Task cycle procedure.(25 mins)
  Ask the students to say some English names of animals as many as possible.Do you want to know more animals? Ok,let’s turn to page 13.Today we are going to learn the English names of some more animals and learn how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.
  1)Ask the students to speak the names of any animals in picture in 1a they know.And then point to the animals one by one and say the name of each.Explain the dialogue in picture and ask the students read it after me.Then give the students 3 minutes to match the words with the animals in the picture.
  2)Students were asked to do a survey to find out their classmates’ most favorite animals.Let the students talk to each other in groups about their favorite animals and write down their favorite animals in the form.Make students prepare an oral report and then choose some students to give the report to the whole class.
【摘要】《日用家当》是非裔美国黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克的短篇小说。国内外学者对小说中人物看法趋于一致:褒扬玛姬对文化传统的保护,谴责迪背叛本民族文化传统。本文针对文化传统的继承提出一些相异的看法,玛姬和迪都有局限,应该把迪对文化继承的重要性的的认识和玛姬传承本民族文化传统的技能结合起来,在日常生活中继承和发扬黑人传统文化。  【关键词】黑人传统文化 文化继承  美国当代非裔女作家艾丽丝·沃克在美国文
【Abstract】An adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to modify a noun or pronoun. A determiner is a noun modifier that expresses the reference of a noun phrase in the context. Thus, this rese
【Abstract】Since ancient times,large numbers of poets throughout the world have elaborated their outlook on life and death through their works.Among them are Emily Dickinson and Alfred Tennyson,the out
【摘要】随着现代教育信息技术的不断更新,网络教学模式的应用已经给高校传统的教学模式带来了巨大冲击。本文旨在讨论在高职公共外语教学中,教师如何在现代教育教学理论与现代语言学和外语教学理论的指导下,充分利用网络先进信息技术,探索高职英语视听说互动立体化教学模式,提高学生的听说能力,培养交际能力,满足社会需求及学生求职的需要。  【关键词】高职英语 网络教学 生态教学 高职课堂  在高职英语教学发展的新
【摘要】在高中英语教学中,教师需要从软、硬两个层面为学生创设良好的学习环境,引导学生与环境互动,加强环境体验,从而潜移默化的影响他们的认知方式,提高英语素养。本文对此进行了探索,旨在为广大教师提供建议和参考。  【关键词】高中英语 环境 多媒体 英语素养  英语是一门语言学科,因此,高中英语教学的可利用资源除了教具和教材之外,还包括环境资源。实践证实,环境对学习语言的影响是巨大的,即如幼儿学习母语
【摘要】大学英语的教学改革对独立院校来说迫在眉睫,在国际化的今天,英语作为国际化语言在全球的贸易、金融、外交等中发挥举足轻重的作用。本论文重点探讨了大外教学改革之前的课程体系优化,这将为大外改革指引正确的方向。  【关键词】大学英语 层次立体化 三本院校 双元式 课程  一、背景介绍  鉴于广西在对外贸易中优越的地理位置,以及中国-东盟自由贸易区(2010年成立)、西江-珠江经济带(2014年7月
大三下学期的朱家辰多数时间会出入中国矿业大学的图书馆,看不出和其他复习考研的大学生有什么不同。当离开自习室,走进学校附近的网吧时,朱家辰还有另一个身份——中国矿业大学电竞社团的社长,这个名号是他自封的,但几个月之后,他要正式把这个社长传给一位资源学院的学弟。在新旧社长之间,朱家辰对学弟也只有一个要求,“让这个社团不管是地上还是地下都要存活下去。”  在朱家辰出生的1997年,开始有一批像朱家辰如今
【Abstract】Schmidt’s “noticing hypothesis” and Vygotsky’s “sociocultural theory” are crucial for Second Language Acquisition (SLA).Language teachers and learners may benefit a lot if they have insights
【摘要】本文从批判性话语分析的理论知识入手,对其概念,研究的复杂性,代表学者的理论研究和对其理论的批评和质疑观点和其理论的重大意义进行了概述,接着从大学英语读写教学的角度分析了批判性话语分析作为教学方法和手段对于学生批判性思维培养提供的新视角。  【关键词】批判性话语分析 大学读写教学 批判性思维  一、概念  批判性话语分析(critical discourse analysis)是现代语言学研
To Live(Zhang Yimou 1994)won the1994Cannes Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and a Best Actor award for Ge You.s performance.The film is an epic,multi-generational love story which “chronicles the lives