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从欧洲2013年下半年和2014年一二季度的经济数据来看,狭义欧债危机显然已经过去,欧洲经济缓慢复苏态势基本确立。一方面,危机期间应急救助、财政整顿、金融监管、社会保障改革以及增强各国竞争力的举措渐次实施和相关机制完善的成效显现,外部国际经济环境向好等因素构成了欧洲经济步出危机、逐渐复苏的主因。另一方面,危机扩大了核心和外围国家经济、社会差距,增加了欧盟和欧元区各国的趋同难度以及共同体层面政策协调的难度,同时,危机带来的欧盟 Judging from the economic data of the second half of 2013 and the first two quarters of 2014 in Europe, the European debt crisis in the narrow sense is clearly past and the slow recovery of the European economy is basically established. On the one hand, the gradual implementation of the measures of emergency relief, fiscal consolidation, financial supervision and social security reform and the enhancement of the competitiveness of all countries during the crisis and the improvement of relevant mechanisms have shown that the external economic environment has made the European economy out of a crisis, The main reason for gradual recovery. On the other hand, the crisis has widened the economic and social gaps between the core and peripheral countries, increased the difficulty of convergence among the EU and the euro area countries and the difficulty of policy coordination at the community level. At the same time, the crisis brought about by the EU
本刊原名为《植物研究通讯》,系广西植物研究所主办。现在为了更好地反映广西植物学科研成果,交流科研与教学经验,加速实现四个现代化,从1980年第一 Journal originally ca
The biggest obstacle for long distance quantum communication is the channel loss and the channel noise on photons. In this paper,a method to solve this problem
1 Introduction Some Cyprinidae fossils have been reported about 420km east of the fossil site in the same period of Wulan Husentu1 layer,and have been used as a
人在社会中生活,不能没有朋友。但交什么样的朋友,却对他的前途命运有着至关重要的影响。“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”。因此,清朝重臣曾国藩认为:“一生之成败,皆关乎朋友之贤否,不可不慎也。”  作为领导干部,交友更要谨慎。谨慎,就是说交友要有选择,该交的朋友交,不该交的朋友一定不能交。那么,哪些人需要领导干部警惕?  首先,阿谀奉迎者。领导干部若与阿谀奉迎者交友,没有思想碰撞,只有阿谀奉迎之辞。长此以往,领
不少读者来信,诉说腿型不好给自己带来的苦恼。现介绍改善腿型的几种练习方法,供大家选用。如果您的腿粗或较短,则您的锻炼计划应在减轻体重的情况下进 Many readers wrote