
来源 :实用妇科与产科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adige
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孕妇患细菌性感染性疾病是妇产科常遇到的。孕妇应用抗生素治疗要考虑对胎儿的影响。近年来由于妇产科遗传学和药理学的进展,药物对胎儿的影响已为人们所重视,但对妊娠期应用抗生素产生错误的恐惧心理,该用的不敢用,结果疾病恶化或变成慢性,反而影响胎儿产生不良结果。因此,妊娠期抗生素的正确应用十分重要。一、抗生素对母体的影响妊娠期应用抗生素,对妊娠妇女本身有特殊影响和作用。其中有代表性的抗生素有四环素,在大剂量静脉给药治疗时,可发生肝脏代偿失调暴发型综合征,现归类为妊娠急性脂肪肝,多发生在妊娠最后三个月,表现为黄疸,剧烈恶心和呕吐、呕血、腹痛、昏迷甚至死亡。肝活检发现在肝细胞浆内广泛存在小的空泡。此外,对母体肾脏也有毒害作用,表现为肾脏无浓缩尿的能力,患者血尿素氮和尿肌酐水平上升。另外,可有偶发胰腺炎。二、抗生素对胎儿的影响妊娠期母体应用抗生素对胎儿的不利影响包括下列几方面。 (一)致畸作用:一般认为药物致畸作用与遗传物质、用药时受孕时间、药物剂量有关。致畸敏感性最后取决于胚胎基因,人对致畸原的敏感性个体差异很 Pregnant women suffering from bacterial infections are often encountered in obstetrics and gynecology. Pregnant women apply antibiotic therapy to consider the impact on the fetus. In recent years due to advances in obstetrics and gynecology and pharmacology, the impact of drugs on the fetus has been valued, but the use of antibiotics during pregnancy have the wrong fear, the use of the dare to use, the result of the disease worsened or become Chronic, but adversely affect the fetus have adverse consequences. Therefore, the correct application of antibiotics during pregnancy is very important. First, the impact of antibiotics on the maternal application of antibiotics during pregnancy, pregnant women themselves have a special impact and role. One of the representative antibiotics tetracycline, high-dose intravenous drug treatment, liver decompensation may occur fulminant syndrome, is now classified as acute fatty liver of pregnancy, occurred in the last trimester of pregnancy, manifested as jaundice , Severe nausea and vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal pain, coma and even death. Liver biopsy found widespread in the cytoplasm of small vacuoles. In addition, the mother of the kidney also have toxic effects, the performance of the kidney without the ability to concentrate urine, blood urea nitrogen and urinary creatinine levels. In addition, there may be occasional pancreatitis. Second, the impact of antibiotics on the fetus Maternal application of antibiotics in pregnant women adverse effects on the fetus include the following aspects. (A) teratogenic effect: It is generally believed that the teratogenic effects of drugs and genetic material, medication when pregnant, drug dose. Teratogenic sensitivity depends on the final embryonic genes, human sensitivity to teratogenic individuals are very different
石家庄的马女士:我体重超重,肥胖易患子宫内膜癌吗?连线医生——山西中医学院中西医结合医院妇科主任医师高素云子宫内膜癌是女性生殖器三大恶性肿瘤之一,高发 Ma Shijiazhu
<正> 前庭大腺如黄豆大小,位于两侧大阴唇后部,为球海绵体肌所覆盖,正常时不能触及。腺管开口于小阴唇内侧面下部与处女膜交界沟处,腺管细长如头发样细,长约0.5~1.0cm。性兴奋