Methane absorption and application of mixed organic aggregate prepared from Span80 and alkaline salt

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forest_28
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The water-based materials for mine gas absorption and explosion suppression were prepared, in which the mixed organic aggregate of Span80 and alkaline salt can be used as methane absorbent. Methane was used as a model of mine gas, and the absorptions of methane with different complex materials were studied using head space gas chromatography. Then the state of aqueous material was characterized with laser light scattering instrument and the effects of different complex materials on explosion suppression were preliminarily studied in explosion chamber which can simulate mine gas explosion. The research results showed that complex material could absorb methane and there was some corre- lation between the mean diameter of organic aggregate in aqueous material and the absorption effect. Additionally, the aqueous material could suppress the methane explosion to some degree. The material can absorb mine gas in atomization condition, therefore, degrease mine gas concentration and influence the distribution of mine gas in the space, and then suppress the mine gas explosion to some extent. The water-based materials for mine gas absorption and explosion suppression were prepared, in which the mixed organic aggregate of Span 80 and alkaline salts can be used as methane absorbent. Methane was used as a model of mine gas, and the absorptions of methane with different Then the state of aqueous material was characterized with laser light scattering instrument and the effects of different complex materials on explosion suppression were preliminarily studied in explosion chamber which can simulate mine gas explosion. The research results showed that the complex material could absorb methane and there was some corre- lation between the mean diameter of organic aggregate in aqueous material and the absorption effect. condition, therefore, degrease mine gas concentration and influence th e distribution of mine gas in the space, and then suppress the mine gas explosion to some extent.
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