
来源 :水利发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong770527
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“十一五”时期是治淮事业发展最快的时期。在水利部党组的正确领导下,淮河水利委员会(简称淮委)广大干部职工认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于淮河治理的一系列重要部署,迎难而上,奋力攻坚,治淮建设、管理、改革等各项工作都取得新的成绩,迎来了治淮事业 “Eleventh Five-Year ” period is the fastest growing period Huaihe career. Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, the cadres and workers of the Huaihe River Water Conservancy Commission (SACC) have earnestly implemented a series of important arrangements made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council on the Huaihe River administration and have made every effort to tackle difficult problems and work hard to tackle the problems. We have made new achievements in all the reforms and other work and ushered in the Huai River administration
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