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新生儿石骨症在临床上较少见,现将所见1例报告如下。患儿,女,1天。系第二胎第一产,孕40~(+)周。在外院妇产科顺产出生。生后Apgary评分,第一分钟8分,第五分钟8分。生后体重2700g。生后出现面部发绀,呼吸急促。急转我院就医,收入院治疗。入院检查:T36.3℃,P136次/min,R50次/min。神清,精神欠佳,反应好。全身皮肤无黄染,前额及眼距增宽,唇肥厚,颜面及唇微绀。前囟1.5×1.5cm,平软,后囟已闭。颈软,气管居中。呼吸急促,双肺呼吸音粗,未闻及干湿性罗音。HR136次/min,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。腹平软,肝右肋下1.5cm,质软,脾肋下未及,脐干燥,肠鸣音存在。四肢短,上肢仅达髋关节部,四指长短一致,肌张力正常。初步诊断:(1)新生儿吸入性 Neonatal osteosarcoma is clinically rare, one of the findings will now be reported as follows. Children, women, 1 day. Department of the second birth of the first child, pregnant 40 ~ (+) weeks. Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Outer Hospital was born. Apgary score after birth, the first minute 8 minutes, the fifth minute 8 minutes. Weight after birth 2700g. After birth, facial cyanosis, shortness of breath. Emergency hospital for medical treatment, income hospital treatment. Admission examination: T36.3 ℃, P136 times / min, R50 times / min. Clear, poor spirit, good response. No skin yellow dye, broaden the forehead and eyes, lip hypertrophy, facial and lip micro-cyanosis. Anterior fontanel 1.5 × 1.5cm, soft, posterior fontanelle closed. Neck soft, tracheal center. Shortness of breath, breath sounds coarse lungs, did not smell and wet and dry rales. HR136 times / min, law Qi, the valve area is not known and pathological murmur. Abdomen soft, liver right rib 1.5cm, soft, spleen and ribs did not reach, umbilical dry, bowel sounds exist. Short limbs, upper extremity only hip joint, four fingers the same length, muscle tone normal. Preliminary diagnosis: (1) Neonatal inhalation
我们应用法国生产的思密达(smecta)治疗急性腹泻96例,取得满意效果,报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 病例选择本组136例,分治疗组96例,其中男70例, We apply the French product
机量装电水能可容面积洲别(万公里2)1975年人口 (亿人)可能开发水能资源(万亿度/年)(亿千瓦)平均每人水能资源 (度/年)4一3483,0 122,0612,139l,050 8951,5305,0405,7005,350
水轮发电机组安装过程中,历来沿用的测量中心基准是由下往上而变更的,其大致过程是: 1.由厂房的设计机组中心线挂十字线,定吸出管中心、座环或基础环中心。 2.用求心挂线法
A first total synthesis of isoliquiritin was accomplished starting from p-hydroxy- benzaldehyde and 2,4-dihydroxyacetylphenone. The key step is condensation re